Saturday, February 19, 2011

Veveeta Chicken Pasta

The Black Swan film looks like a much more extreme than it might appear at first glance. As is commonly includes in the drama, its colors are more psychological horror. Horror understood here in a 'sense of the peculiar common than that. Here 's horror is not given a lot of the usual jump in the chair (which, though there are), as a constant feeling of insecurity that we live viewing 's work. Nina, star ballerina (a Portman in contention for an Oscar in my opinion well deserved) addresses the need for and fear of change into a spiral of psychological and physical self-destruction. She is a white swan, perfect in his innocence but trapped in a world of childhood, which must fly, he wants to fly, at the cost of turning into its opposite, the black swan, be quite passionate but whose contact with the is really smoky.

His progress from a 'galley innocence to something which is not in control through sexual fetishes (hetero and homo), hallucinations, strange metamorphosis, to the final. As in The Wrestler , Aranofsky tells of a 'person who sacrifices his body to his art, and as in the end there seems to be the glorification of the public, even here the topos returns, perhaps with a less comforting but there is talk of people who defy themselves in their performance.

L 'artist when he won the' man fails?


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