Sunday, February 27, 2011

Petty 45 With Black Stripe


Greenpeace has created an ironic spot against ' nuclear energy, seen on YouTube under the heading "Nuclear - The problem with no solution."
anticipate now that the news is also taking a position. This is because
nuclear power (and also says Greenpeace):
1) produces radioactive waste and there is still no system to manage them safely;
2) cost too much, and is a bargain for a few;
3) does not give independence or energy security, as uranium on this planet there are about four million tons, and at the present rate of consumption (60 thousand tonnes per year) by the end of the century all the mines will be exhausted;
4) plants are potential targets of terrorism and not have systems of protection in case of aircraft accidents.
To see what can lead to poor management of nuclear power (perhaps the only possible one, in Italy) is an invitation to visit Chernobyl che dal gennaio 2011 è aperta al turismo di massa. Fino a poco tempo fa era infatti possibile visitare l’impianto solo sborsando 400 dollari e richiedendo varie autorizzazioni al governo ucraino, mentre oggi l’ingresso è consentito a tutti secondo dettagliati itinerari turistici.
A prendere la decisione di aprire al pubblico il sito del disastro nucleare è stato Viktor Baloga, ministro ucraino, che ha parlato di "turismo della memoria" e di "lezione sul nucleare".
Se invece non avete voglia di sacrificare le vostre ferie al turismo catastrofista vi chiediamo almeno venti minuti della vostra vita per dare un’occhiata al video sul sito internet .
Se non avete nemmeno venti minutes (impossibile!) we encourage you to at least look at the aforementioned spot of Greenpeace, which is certainly not detailed or exhaustive, but it could lead you to begin a personal quest to understand if it really worth it to revive nuclear power in our country.

Link: / stopnucleare


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