Caught in color 11 to € 2.00 on offer in the shop I think Kiko Como, these glitter I have conquered it now! The reason?! The lightness and elegance of these "throw light" (hahaha, I wanted to avoid repetition), yes, the glitter and there are elegant targati Kiko.
In fact I have not found it too big sbrilluccicanti, last a long time even without a base under them and I almost always use the sides of the eye especially on Saturday night (festaaa).
I do not think there are 11 colors or more, or at least back in the box in which I found there was only one color different from this. Recommend them!? Yes, absolutely. In my modest opinion I think they both look good for that evening look rivivacizzare day. Now on the body I have not tried but I must say that quite a few, that is, with this tube in my two arms up to make filling them with glitter, said that cost little and are in balance, or at least still have hope.

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