Double opinion for two of the classic 'horror that I shot in the last two days. I left guilty of having already seen 's Army of Darkness in advance, so I missed the entire base (though not strictly necessary, since the change of approach of the third film). Ordunque, what do you think of the founders?
House, which is a product of low budget is evident, as with the use of some truly admirable effects, especially in the final , in which there was a use of stop motion but revolting to say the least amazing.
Not much can be said
about the characters. No one is truly memorable, and in my opinion the characters Ash Bru ce Campbell here is not fully realized come farà nei sequel (complice un doppiaggio italiano che lo fa sembrare un vero pesce), ma la base c' è già. Vero problema mi è sembrato essere una leggera monotonia. Per quanto il tutto sia folle (in positivo), mi aspettavo u na maggior varietà di situazioni, cosa che per fortuna ho trovato nel seguito, La Casa 2 , a dir poco traboccante di scene culto (non ultima la "questione della mano"), in cui la pazzia accennata nel primo esplode senza ritegno.
Oddio, a essere onesti l' inizio mi ha confuso e continua a confondermi non poco. Pare quasi un reboot, con Ash che giunge nella casa con una ragazza diversa da quella the first film, with no other friends and with a different course of events before. Maybe they could not recover the old cast? Mystery. It matters little, though, because here in three minutes we will immediately catapulted into the 'horror, more bloody than ever.
Ultimately, two good movies, of which I recognize very well the merits in view of the genre. I just seem a little overrated in general, especially the first.
PS: I give up. The layout, fonts, colors of this review are ungovernable. Be patient and read it in this absurd way!
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