Sunday, February 13, 2011

How To Adjust Polaris Xtra 10

table "The War for Axantis"

board game "War for Xantis" The War for
Axantis is a board game, turn-based strategy, by setting our beloved Fantasy.

Each play as a Grand Duchy and must achieve the goals to win! In short, a classic game of war and conquest, takes the very concept of Risk, but also the only strategy games for PC, shift work, especially Heroes of Might and Magic. You can enhance buildings, build units stronger and stronger and make pacts with the players.

The game was made a few years ago, produced two prototypes (the last also of decent quality) and is suitable for five players. There are 100 event cards, 50 cards troop / hero and about 20 different goals to win!

The game was under way to test heavy play during these years, has had a huge success everywhere we have taken and presented. We thought it was impossible to produce, perhaps still is, but there is flashing to illustrate the idea, put it in perfect condition and see to be able to create a commercial version. I think he can give hours of fun for lovers like that! The learning curve is short enough, for those accustomed to this kind of games.

It does not end here, if the game should make is possible to create the three expansions, compete in tournaments of up to 20 players at once (provided you have available to play four tables and twenty players).

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