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RPG Arcane Steel reviews

RPG Arcane Steel reviews
a few weeks ago entered into a sale at RPG Arcane Steel products from all Italian Gabriele Pellegrini (former author of GUS). The setting is Steam Fantasy (according to its authors very similar to Dragon Hunter Cartore although serious key). I purchased the book in PDF format at an affordable price: € 2.99, while the print version is sold at a price just over € 7.99 (white and black).

Arcane Steel has a layout very clean, enriched with some color illustrations and other in black and white (note the version in print in black and white ). I will not explain to word for word as it is done manually, as I repeat that it is very linear structure and will not find big surprises is also quite pleasant to read. I state that is so long now that I do not update systems Gdr existing as such my opinion is considered a personal taste. I do not like the overly Fantasy Steam even if this setting has stimulated my imagination.

The setting of Arcane Steel is barely hinted at in the sense that comes as the manual says a skeleton of the environment that any Storyteller (group) will complete it at will.
From manual Arcane Steel (I quote from the manual to give you an idea):

"The Continuum is a vast area that bridges the
space between the great continents. It consists
primarily of a dense fog and changing
dotted with islands and flying rock fragments. This
huge ocean suspended in the void is a region in large part
wild and unexplored, where they hide
incredible fortunes, cultures and mysterious monsters.
The only way to cross the Continuum is aboard a ship
driving or riding of some strange creature. "

Arcane Steel: The city flying

"In the Continuum, there are also some residential areas
and safe, which usually can be found near the continents
or along major trade routes. There are
city, in fact, that arise on large islands and flying
provide an excellent mooring and refueling
for those commercial vessels that ply between the vast
continents. "

above this book does is give us a set of ideas, some examples of flying city to give us the right idea in the world and create new places with our imagination. This can not please those who like to fossilize setting up much defined , but prefers to create his own with the help of the manual. would have been interesting if he had been given a table or something that could aiutare il Narratore specie alle prime armi a creare le proprie città volanti. Personalmente non incontro grossi problemi in questa situazione e gli spunti che vengono dati sono sufficienti a stimolare la mia immaginazione! 

La Creazione del personaggi  è classica, si sceglie la razza che si vuole interpretare, quindi si distribuiscono i punti sui Tratti. Le razze sono descritte in poche righe, una mano viene data dai tratti razziali per cercare meglio di immaginarle. Avrei gradito qualche riga in più sulle razze, anch'esse non ci fornisco molte informazioni e lasciano molto spazio alla fantasia del Narratore e del Gruppo.

The Rules of Arcane Steel first seems a classic of GUS with the introduction of the concept of fate. In practice, each player has 10 dice to use every game, who can sacrifice to choose how the story goes, in other words for a moment the player will be the Master. The operation is simple, in practice, the player understands that what would happen to the narrator says what would happen but if it fails. It's like if he had introduced some concepts in a classic RPG RPG say the new generation. Generally I can say that the regulation is composed of many rules to be applied in specific situations and I think a lot of practice can only be put them all in place. These summaries are very helpful in almost every chapter and the index of the table, even though a Master's screen might be the best solution.

The manual includes a full-bodied in the number of items, equipment, information about costs of living in the Continuum and dozens of beasts to deal with the characters. A note on the Magic did not seem particularly innovative, it is worth mentioning that the list includes dozens of spells. The only novelty is perhaps the duration of Magic, in practice, instead of being in rounds, some spells have a duration of a Scene, Day, which actually simplifies some situations (A bit like in Xantis in prayer to understand).

The problem I riscontrat or in this manual is that very often, paragraphs do not seem logical to place an order, For example, you switch from talk of advancement (experience points), the paragraph that explains how many boxes you move your character. Or some explanation of rules, we require more attention than normal, forcing us to re-read the paragraph several times. We say that does not affect the reading, but makes it more difficult in some cases.

"There's an important thing to note, The advantage of POD still allows the user to upgrade when we want, improved to 360 degrees, the author of Arcane Steel promises to those who have bought this first version of the manual in a format that will give the applicant a copy in PDF updated with the errata in and a lot of improvements especially regarding the things that I have indicated above. "

Conclusions: Arcane Steel is a regulation Roleplay Fantasy Steam, rather than a full RPG setting. Practically every Narrator and the Group could live and play the Continuum as it sees fit, available to each group is given a large number of objects, beasts, spells, and races to play with. Personally I would recommend this RPG that can give you hours of great fun with your gaming group, not to mention the price of the manual very convenient, limited only by your imagination. If you like RPG setting cone super detailed Arcane Steel is not for you.


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