RPG Street Fight Football Soccer: Early reviews for the game Street Fight Soccer.
I am happy to receive two already Review, I thank those who have already bought our game supporting Vas Quas Publishing! Your reports are valuable, we finally managed to put up a preview lulu.com wider game of 15 pages, I hope it is useful!
For those who have purchased the print version of the game, if you send us the payment receipt of Lulu.com, the more the right result of the game proposed in this book will also provide a PDF of the manual.
To participate, write to: vasquasexecutiveATgmail.com (replace AT with @)
on www.lulu.com
I bought the first version of Street Soccer Fight on the old store. Like many, I always thought that The only failing of this game was the graphics, as the game itself was simple and fun to play. I must say that great strides have been made on many fronts, the game has become even easier, the reading is more fluent and enjoyable time. The real surprise was, however, the graphics: the drawings are very humorous and perfectly in style with the game and at times seems almost to browse through a comic book. I am sorry to have purchased the PDF because the designs are really worth, suggest the authors to add some more sample page in the manual, because for people like me who appreciates the graphics are very well done. Five stars deserved! PS I absolutely want a Super Ball Z :-)
On http://www.inventoridigiochi.it
I took on Street Fight Soccer lulu. I like it, although I am a role player classic.
The ideas are certainly interesting shades to board game with a well integrated system gdr simple and functional. If in the classic RPG gaming experience is mainly linked to the ability of the master, the greater the SFS in dementia of the players , the greater the fun.
wait to try it out for good with my group but I think that, as fans and holly benji, nobody will be disappointed!
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