Sunday, February 27, 2011

Manipulative Blackmail


La provincia di Roma ha commissionato un video per sensibilizzare sull’adozione a distanza dei bambini soldato.
Il titolo visualizzabile su YouTube è "Giocare alla guerra", ed è stato realizzato da Maurizio Amici con la collaborazione di Tiziana Ferrario e del TG1. Si svolge davanti a un PC, dove il protagonista appassionato di videogiochi di guerra viene portato dalla conduttrice nel mondo vero della guerra.
Ma facciamo due passi indietro. Chi sono i bambini soldato? In breve si tratta di vittime della guerra, piccoli schiavi rapiti alle famiglie e indotti a combattere con l’uso della violenza, della droga o sotto la minaccia della magia nera. Per dare le dimensioni del problema: amount of child soldiers around the world, a total of over 300 thousand.
To respond to the seriousness of the phenomenon, in Rome, 18 to 20 November 2010, took place on the multidisciplinary project "CHILDREN IN WAR - TALES OF CHILD SOLDIERS." Because it involved multi-disciplinary artists, speakers, witnesses and volunteers who work in the field.
Inside there was also an exhibition of drawings by Italian schoolchildren and the same child soldiers, and photo galleries.
the conference-debate was attended by many authoritative voices and competent, but the name is most striking is that of John Baptist Onam, a former child soldier. Today he teaches
Onama Europrogettazione presso l’Università di Padova, dove vive da quasi vent’anni. Ma è originario dell’Uganda, e in gioventù – erano gli anni Ottanta – ha vissuto sulla propria pelle la terribile esperienza di bambino soldato. A quattordici anni fu costretto a infilare una divisa troppo grande e a imbracciare un fucile mitragliatore.
«Nel plotone eravamo in tutto settantasette», racconta. «Pochi i kadogo, cioè noi piccoli; non si era ancora scoperto quanto fosse conveniente un esercito di bambini: non vanno pagati, sono facili da manipolare, covano una rabbia immensa. Ma soprattutto si fidelizzano quando vengono recisi tutti i contatti con le famiglie d’origine, e vivono l’esercito as a sort of adoptive family. "
To report the tragedy of childhood denied Onama often participates in conferences on the subject and works with Amnesty International and Save the Children, along with other organizations that have given rise to the international coalition" to Stop ' Use of Child Soldiers. "
In this context fits the challenge set by the UN: primary education for all by 2015. Challenge accepted by Western governments and non-governmental organizations such as Save the Children or AVSI.
To do this you need to combat the practice of child soldiers, who, along with childcare, are denied the possibility of a sound education. How can we
do? With the support (or adoption) at a distance, which allows a person, family or group of friends to provide financial support for at least a year, children living in conditions of great vulnerability.
The price? Low. Some tens of euro per month.
This will improve the quality of life of the child and whether they promote formal education and sanitary conditions, without detracting from his family background, social and cultural development. (Just to make another issue: today Italy supports a total distance of 27 thousand children around the world.)
And after this digression as large as necessary to inform you that the video "Playing War" fits right in line with this set of initiatives. So we encourage you to look at it, and perhaps you might convince you to adopt a child from a distance. - Also because basically we have so far talked of education devoted to child soldiers, but in fact this video is dedicated to education up to us ...



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