Monday, February 28, 2011

'best Deep Cycle Battery Charger Reviews'

Ciglia finte!? Si può. Part II

In this post we will dedicate ourselves completely to the types of false eyelashes, describing the strengths and weaknesses.
- Eyeliner Tuft A: Personally, I love them, and yet I have not found. But I can say however that the advantages are the speed in which to put them, the fact that you can decide where to put them (if on the outside or inside corner, in other words where you want) and giving a very natural and simple. Why is it easier to apply?! Why we must not put a strip of glue, which then has to bear the entire row of false eyelashes, but only a dot of glue, then in fact it's much easier to apply.
- false eyelashes with black border and transparent. Doing some research on the internet, I found that the edge of the eyelashes can be any color, black, transparent, yellow, does not matter because it will be also covered by the run and will stick to the base of our eyelashes.
The black lashes still have the advantage of having an effect a little more theatrical and cinematographic in some cases, we say that do not always give a true nature!
are more difficult to attack precisely because tufts are not but just a strip.
- false eyelashes with tufts longer on sides
say that this kind of false eyelashes can not find it in all brands, for example Essence Elf or not produce them, but Kiko and also at a great price. They are not natural lashes for every day just because they give this elongated eye, theatrically stretched out, and therefore unnatural. When you put them?! For a night on the disc maybe combined with a trick or otherwise brilliant glitter. Not good I would see on a natural look composed of neutral colors, however, would give too much emphasis to the eye.
- false eyelashes long and short interspersed with tufts.
Great example are those of Essence, they cost very little, and are of excellent quality. This type of false eyelashes has the advantage of giving effect to a cat, then your eyes will make a sort of banging Flop Flop (ahahah). So just do not give a very natural effect, but also you can safely use every day, as I did.
I leave you with some examples of false eyelashes described above!

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eyelashes!? You can. Review

One of the few issues of concern to almost every fan of make-up are the eyelashes. They are friends or foes, fascinate and then we are attracted to them since they lead to deep insights, a spectacular tricks and magic effects and carnival.
But we come to the most common questions being asked about.
Why do we have eyelashes?! We say that people who have sparse lashes and flat as I can feel prejudice knowing that someone has created the false eyelashes. So this is nothing more than cosmetic product a replacement to our lashes. Substitute convenient, quick to apply (you believe it or not, we will see later if you convince), and above all (pass me the term) stramegafigo!
Many of us believe the false eyelashes like huge clumps, ridiculous carnival and that can not adapt to the look of every day. False. There eyelash tufts and easier to apply, or at least fake eyelashes super simple and natural. They come in all colors, so if you want to look extravagant can guide you on colors like pink, green, multicolored, or feel (like I do) on the black or brown (which has a very natural effect).
What brands do you use?! The best brand?!
So, as far as my experience, I will make a list of the brands I used.
- Eyes Lips Face = Poor, really. Pessano sealing and resistance and poor quality. They are cheap (1.70 €), this is, but I steer on other brands spend a few euro more.
- The Essence = I love, I've tried two types, and I was really satisfied, they cost € 2.99 and have good strength and good performance on the eye.
- Chinese brands = I know it's a brand a little general on ebay are from pacconi 10-20-30-40 eyelashes at reasonable prices. I have found good in general, by buying the Chinese shop in my town is just on ebay. They have a good grip, and a good qualità.I prices are moving from € 3.00 to 1, 00 € including shipping!
- H & M = I did not like much, compared to those of Elf.
ABSOLUTELY NOT USE THOSE THAT ARE IN THE PACKAGE. It is important to the brand, just do not use it. The reason is that it may bear irritations, abrasions (like me) and are still very poor in both the duration and the drying.
said that hill council!?
- Lashgrip = can be found in the stands at a modest Make Up Forever (so to speak) cost € 13.11 for 7g of product. Good glue, a lot of liquid, not a good value for money.
- Glue Duo = The best, and € 11.10 for 14 grams of product. A little liquid, I would say more mellow. Good value for money and good seal. What advice
eBay seller, good communication and excellent products. I bought many false eyelashes from this seller and I was really satisfied.
Honestly I've never bought from this site, but I've heard a lot of good.
If you really do not want to buy from other sites. I'm not very good, I repeat, their false eyelashes.
For now I think of these sites but you can take a stroll by Make Up Forever (the costs may reach to 17 €) or Mac (hovering around 12 €). Or save by Essence (2,99 €), Catrice (4 / 5, 00 €), Kiko (about € 7.00).
Soon I'll make a tutorial on how I put them. There I leave with some pictures.

They cost € 1.99

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gioco di ruolo calcio Street Fight Soccer
Street Fight Soccer è disponibile sulla prima vetrina in cui è comparso il marchio Vas Quas Editrice: Arima Giochi! Abbiamo seguito tutti i consigli di chi ci aveva recensito molti anni fa!

Per chi preferisce il negozio italiano, per comprare PDF non vi resta che collegarvi a questo link: clicca qui.

Street Fight Soccer è clearly also available in the pages of in print or in PDF: here.

remember the price: 3.99 € 8.99 € PDF version and print version! We continue to maintain the discount for another few days!

Thanks to those who bought and said the game!
Vas Quas Publishing

Inazuma Eleven:

Headache, Sore Throat, Fatigue

Street Fight Soccer RPG football

RPG Street Fight Football Soccer

New preview up manual, short-Street Fight Soccer will be back on display on, for those who are loyal to the shop for PDF GDR largest Italian!


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Manipulative Blackmail


La provincia di Roma ha commissionato un video per sensibilizzare sull’adozione a distanza dei bambini soldato.
Il titolo visualizzabile su YouTube è "Giocare alla guerra", ed è stato realizzato da Maurizio Amici con la collaborazione di Tiziana Ferrario e del TG1. Si svolge davanti a un PC, dove il protagonista appassionato di videogiochi di guerra viene portato dalla conduttrice nel mondo vero della guerra.
Ma facciamo due passi indietro. Chi sono i bambini soldato? In breve si tratta di vittime della guerra, piccoli schiavi rapiti alle famiglie e indotti a combattere con l’uso della violenza, della droga o sotto la minaccia della magia nera. Per dare le dimensioni del problema: amount of child soldiers around the world, a total of over 300 thousand.
To respond to the seriousness of the phenomenon, in Rome, 18 to 20 November 2010, took place on the multidisciplinary project "CHILDREN IN WAR - TALES OF CHILD SOLDIERS." Because it involved multi-disciplinary artists, speakers, witnesses and volunteers who work in the field.
Inside there was also an exhibition of drawings by Italian schoolchildren and the same child soldiers, and photo galleries.
the conference-debate was attended by many authoritative voices and competent, but the name is most striking is that of John Baptist Onam, a former child soldier. Today he teaches
Onama Europrogettazione presso l’Università di Padova, dove vive da quasi vent’anni. Ma è originario dell’Uganda, e in gioventù – erano gli anni Ottanta – ha vissuto sulla propria pelle la terribile esperienza di bambino soldato. A quattordici anni fu costretto a infilare una divisa troppo grande e a imbracciare un fucile mitragliatore.
«Nel plotone eravamo in tutto settantasette», racconta. «Pochi i kadogo, cioè noi piccoli; non si era ancora scoperto quanto fosse conveniente un esercito di bambini: non vanno pagati, sono facili da manipolare, covano una rabbia immensa. Ma soprattutto si fidelizzano quando vengono recisi tutti i contatti con le famiglie d’origine, e vivono l’esercito as a sort of adoptive family. "
To report the tragedy of childhood denied Onama often participates in conferences on the subject and works with Amnesty International and Save the Children, along with other organizations that have given rise to the international coalition" to Stop ' Use of Child Soldiers. "
In this context fits the challenge set by the UN: primary education for all by 2015. Challenge accepted by Western governments and non-governmental organizations such as Save the Children or AVSI.
To do this you need to combat the practice of child soldiers, who, along with childcare, are denied the possibility of a sound education. How can we
do? With the support (or adoption) at a distance, which allows a person, family or group of friends to provide financial support for at least a year, children living in conditions of great vulnerability.
The price? Low. Some tens of euro per month.
This will improve the quality of life of the child and whether they promote formal education and sanitary conditions, without detracting from his family background, social and cultural development. (Just to make another issue: today Italy supports a total distance of 27 thousand children around the world.)
And after this digression as large as necessary to inform you that the video "Playing War" fits right in line with this set of initiatives. So we encourage you to look at it, and perhaps you might convince you to adopt a child from a distance. - Also because basically we have so far talked of education devoted to child soldiers, but in fact this video is dedicated to education up to us ...


Petty 45 With Black Stripe


Greenpeace has created an ironic spot against ' nuclear energy, seen on YouTube under the heading "Nuclear - The problem with no solution."
anticipate now that the news is also taking a position. This is because
nuclear power (and also says Greenpeace):
1) produces radioactive waste and there is still no system to manage them safely;
2) cost too much, and is a bargain for a few;
3) does not give independence or energy security, as uranium on this planet there are about four million tons, and at the present rate of consumption (60 thousand tonnes per year) by the end of the century all the mines will be exhausted;
4) plants are potential targets of terrorism and not have systems of protection in case of aircraft accidents.
To see what can lead to poor management of nuclear power (perhaps the only possible one, in Italy) is an invitation to visit Chernobyl che dal gennaio 2011 è aperta al turismo di massa. Fino a poco tempo fa era infatti possibile visitare l’impianto solo sborsando 400 dollari e richiedendo varie autorizzazioni al governo ucraino, mentre oggi l’ingresso è consentito a tutti secondo dettagliati itinerari turistici.
A prendere la decisione di aprire al pubblico il sito del disastro nucleare è stato Viktor Baloga, ministro ucraino, che ha parlato di "turismo della memoria" e di "lezione sul nucleare".
Se invece non avete voglia di sacrificare le vostre ferie al turismo catastrofista vi chiediamo almeno venti minuti della vostra vita per dare un’occhiata al video sul sito internet .
Se non avete nemmeno venti minutes (impossibile!) we encourage you to at least look at the aforementioned spot of Greenpeace, which is certainly not detailed or exhaustive, but it could lead you to begin a personal quest to understand if it really worth it to revive nuclear power in our country.

Link: / stopnucleare

Towel Rail Under Sink


The Italians are learning to recycle more and better. That would seem from the data Ecodom, 2010 relating to the collection of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment). The 17% increase over 2009, which led to the recycling of 89,100 tonnes of old refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, dishwashers, hoods and ovens, has avoided that in our atmosphere were placed about 1 million 800 thousand tons of CO2, equal to the amount which would absorb a forest as large as the province of Ancona in a year. According to Giorgio
Arienti, CEO of Ecodom, good results are "mostly on Italian citizens, who are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment."
Thanks to dispose of these types of appliances, reduces emissions of climate-altering substances (which cause the greenhouse effect), so called "ozone-depleting" and also results in a significant energy savings by recycling of raw materials.
Suffice it to say that in 2010 alone, from the collection of this type of household were obtained 58,340 tons of iron, equal to the amount of material used to produce tires of one million cars, 1,655 tons of copper, 2,876 tons of aluminum, that cover the requirements for the construction of over 215 000 million cans, 7,500 tonnes of plastic with which they could build 150 million bottles of 1.5 liters. All
simply handing over to a designated collection its appliances that are no longer used.

For more information and to find the nearest collection center, you can visit the Centre website di Coordinamento RAEE: .


How Much Does An Ice Arena Cost To Buy


Il parco naturale diventa terapeutico: succede in Umbria ed è merito del progetto "Il parco terapeutico", promosso dalla Direzione regionale agricoltura e foreste, servizio aree protette della Regione in collaborazione con la Direzione sanità e servizi sociali. L'obiettivo - dicono i promotori - è quello di portare nelle strutture sanitarie la bellezza e i valori che ispirano le aree protette umbre. Una seconda fase, sperimentata per la prima volta in Italia, vedrà i parchi diventare luoghi privilegiati per le terapie di cura.
«In questa prima fase», spiegano Paolo Papa, dirigente del Servizio promozione e valorizzazione aree protette, e Antonio Perelli, dirigente del Servizio accreditamento e valutazione di qualità, «il progetto ha l'obiettivo di rendere più ospitali e accoglienti le strutture sanitarie quali ospedali, case di cura, residenze protette, poliambulatori. L'idea di base scaturisce dal fatto che un'immagine affascinante della natura può dare sollievo a persone in uno stato emotivo precario ed è per questo motivo che fotografie naturalistiche, di grande valore estetico e distensivo, arrederanno i corridoi delle strutture sanitarie. Così come i colori sono una forma di energia, anche le immagini che ne sprigionano le virtù possono essere una preziosa fonte di sostegno e conforto per chi si trova in physical and psychological difficulties. "
The second phase will be operational and will involve directly the parks as places in which to cure and provide relief to certain diseases such as cardiovascular, diabetes, Alzheimer's, disability. The project pilot at the national level, initially affect the regional park of Mount Subasio and the Regional Park of Monte Cucco.


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Street Fight Soccer RPG football

RPG Street Fight Football Soccer
Thank you all for your support!
We have reached the number of copies that we had set out to sell in record time!

Vas Quas's staff is especially proud of the fact that the game is like!

Thank you on behalf of all staff and Vas Quas good game with Street Fight Soccer , John

Groping In Bus Western Chikan

Long Lasting Eye Pencil Essence

these wonderful pencils autotemperante the Essence mine. Essence
on his official website describes the
"And it is the star product between the eye pencils: This eye pencil that has an applicator with an innovative twist mechanism makes the application particularly accurate emphasizing the depth of vision for a look that knows how to take your breath away. " The application actually
is precise and comfortable even for those without a good manual with the eyeliner. In fact I think they can with their smoothness and precision in their pigmentation and stretch comfortably to replace eyeliner.
The length is good and excellent in the internal rhyme in the rhyme outside, I sometimes use them as a base to intensify the shadows and even here they can do their job well.
not form part of any limited collection so you can almost always find them (except just stand supplied) at all points that sell Essence.
lasts 36 months after opening and are made in Germany.
The colors that I bought were:
01. Black Fever is a normal black opaque and intense.
07. Easy Going which is a very nice and green water on, even the official site seems more a normal green thicket.
09. Cool Down which is a light blue at the same time I can say it is a dark blue (Haha). Beautiful color.
05. C'est La Vie is a beautiful and much loved by me light silver. Really coverage and detail. The
advice! Yes, absolutely. Good price, very good indeed. Good pigmentation, good distance, easy and clean. And excellent durability. A
one thing, watch out when you apply it, using very little lead or risk wasting the product more.
I leave you with a photo and swatches (ah, the picture seems highly modified, it is not true. I mean calibrated only a little light but the colors are really so intense and full)! In
colors swatches from left to right are 01.05, 09.07.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How Long Does Pleurisy Take To Recover?

The House - The House 2

Double opinion for two of the classic 'horror that I shot in the last two days. I left guilty of having already seen 's Army of Darkness in advance, so I missed the entire base (though not strictly necessary, since the change of approach of the third film). Ordunque, what do you think of the founders?

Regarding The

House, which is a product of low budget is evident, as with the use of some truly admirable effects, especially in the final , in which there was a use of stop motion but revolting to say the least amazing.

Not much can be said

about the characters. No one is truly memorable, and in my opinion the characters Ash Bru ce Campbell here is not fully realized come farà nei sequel (complice un doppiaggio italiano che lo fa sembrare un vero pesce), ma la base c' è già. Vero problema mi è sembrato essere una leggera monotonia. Per quanto il tutto sia folle (in positivo), mi aspettavo u na maggior varietà di situazioni, cosa che per fortuna ho trovato nel seguito, La Casa 2 , a dir poco traboccante di scene culto (non ultima la "questione della mano"), in cui la pazzia accennata nel primo esplode senza ritegno.

Oddio, a essere onesti l' inizio mi ha confuso e continua a confondermi non poco. Pare quasi un reboot, con Ash che giunge nella casa con una ragazza diversa da quella the first film, with no other friends and with a different course of events before. Maybe they could not recover the old cast? Mystery. It matters little, though, because here in three minutes we will immediately catapulted into the 'horror, more bloody than ever.

Ultimately, two good movies, of which I recognize very well the merits in view of the genre. I just seem a little overrated in general, especially the first.

PS: I give up. The layout, fonts, colors of this review are ungovernable. Be patient and read it in this absurd way!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Does Aetna Cover Nuchal Transulancy Scans

False Lashes Review Concetrate Kiko

who still do not have this miraculous mascara top coat?! I think by now anyone who took it at full price (7.20 €) who took it at a discount a while ago (3.00 €) in short, almost all passionate make-up I can find beauty in their own homes .
But is it really a miracle product?! Kiko describes it as "Mascara" top coat "intensifier volume. The dramatic effect of ciglia finte in un mascara unico, dal risultato superlativo.
La sua formula estremamente flessibile e modellabile è studiata per l'applicazione sopra un altro mascara, di cui esalta la performance senza appesantire le ciglia e senza creare grumi.
Grazie ad uno speciale complesso di sfere di collagene e cere di riso le ciglia amplificano il loro volume oltre ogni misura rimanendo morbide e leggere.
L'innovativo scovolo sferico con setole rigide a lunghezza differenziata, leggermente bombato sulla punta, cattura e modella le ciglia già truccate una ad una.
Magnificate da lunghezza e volume smodati, le ciglia osano il glamour più estremo. Per un risultato che sfida anche la notte."
Wellaaa, volume smodati,lunghezza magnificent, unique mascara, superlative result. But it is!? The King of mascara!?
In fact, the description did not all come back, at first I loved this mascara, my eyelashes to the flat and invisible was relieved to see a semblance of volume, but after all, why spend billions to miraculous mascara when I put "great" fake eyelashes? ! (You want a tutorial on how to put them?). Let's say it anyway
straconsiglio online and there are billions of photos before and after with this top coat! I remember however that to have an effect equivalent to the description we must use it as a top coat over a volumizing mascara or any of Kiko (or at least I saw the effect it better with them their mascara). I leave you to the photos

Fondant Ballerina How To Make

Review Volume Mascara & Mascara Volume Definition And Basic Beauty

Quite a few months ago opened in Como Lemons, one of the great perfumes after Sephora and Douglas, who also say its a cosmetic line, in precisely the Basic Beauty I tried mascara and glazes. At the opening rounds
had bid enamel, mascara and lipgloss. The mascara costs € 3 each, now I think they cost about € 7.00.
But no more talk, let's start with the review.
mascara I are very similar, only one volume, the other rather than the volume also provides the definition.
expire in 6 months and packaging very simple, "from beyond the grave" (all black, but one that has the silver brush).
I really do not upset me, not because they are fabulous, however, have a brush too big and too often stretch the product. The black mascara is intense, and defines volumizes but just be careful in preparing for lumps.
Now maybe if I had to pay € 7.00 direct me to other mascara, like that of Astra and soon I'll review and others, but I must say I am not just be thrown away.
I leave the photos, including details of the brush.

Artist That Use Fruit

Street Fight Soccer RPG football

RPG Street Fight Football Soccer: Early reviews for the game Street Fight Soccer.
I am happy to receive two already Review, I thank those who have already bought our game supporting Vas Quas Publishing! Your reports are valuable, we finally managed to put up a preview wider game of 15 pages, I hope it is useful!

For those who have purchased the print version of the game, if you send us the payment receipt of, the more the right result of the game proposed in this book will also provide a PDF of the manual.

To participate, write to: (replace AT with @)

I bought the first version of Street Soccer Fight on the old store. Like many, I always thought that The only failing of this game was the graphics, as the game itself was simple and fun to play. I must say that great strides have been made on many fronts, the game has become even easier, the reading is more fluent and enjoyable time. The real surprise was, however, the graphics: the drawings are very humorous and perfectly in style with the game and at times seems almost to browse through a comic book. I am sorry to have purchased the PDF because the designs are really worth, suggest the authors to add some more sample page in the manual, because for people like me who appreciates the graphics are very well done. Five stars deserved! PS I absolutely want a Super Ball Z :-)

I took on Street Fight Soccer lulu. I like it, although I am a role player classic.
The ideas are certainly interesting shades to board game with a well integrated system gdr simple and functional. If in the classic RPG gaming experience is mainly linked to the ability of the master, the greater the SFS in dementia of the players , the greater the fun.
wait to try it out for good with my group but I think that, as fans and holly benji, nobody will be disappointed!

Revenue in the group Facebook di Street Fight Soccer e aiutateci a diffonderlo!

Acquista Street Fight Soccer:
Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Traditional Ecuador Clothing

"The Surrogates", by Robert Venditti & Brett Weldele

Fishing with both hands in an imagination that sees his film as a paradigm in Matrix and Blade Runner , and books like those by Isaac Asimov (who investigated these issues in part), the authors choose to approach to a subject that is all that and more.

The result is true then the original? Far be it from me to boast of knowledge 'argument that might be able to say in an absolute sense, but the' idea is pretty interesting in creation: un mondo in cui lo status simbol è rappresentato dal proprio replicante artificiale, tramite il quale vivere la vita di tutti i giorni senza timori di malattie, ferite, giudizi estetici. Quello che sembra a tutti gli effetti il sogno di chiunque è ottenuto al costo di una vita filtrata attraverso fibre ottiche e sensori di movimento, visto che si potrebbe benissimo non uscire mai di casa e svolgere ogni relazione umana attraverso il proprio replicante.

Le somiglianze con Blade Runner stanno anche nell' impostazione, visto che ci troviamo a tutti gli effetti davanti ad un poliziesco bello e buono, con tutti i risvolti filosofici del caso. Unici punti deboli della produzione possono essere il disegno (In a minimalist style scratchy, almost monochrome, it will appeal or not) and an ending that is consumed too quickly. Still worth a read.

To Walk In The Reception Whats A Good Song

Street Fight Soccer RPG football game Street Fight Soccer

gioco di ruolo calcio Street Fight Soccer

Street Fight Soccer è il gioco di ruolo del calcio, minimale, demenziale e spensierato di chiara ispirazione Anime/Manga.

Ti permetterà con poche semplici regole, di impersonare personaggi in stile Holly & Benji, Shaolin Soccer o il nuovo Inazuma Eleven! Oppure click to play his official circles, he plays a boy Unlucky in life and become a Super Hero in the field!

The game incorporates elements from table games, with those of role-playing games. You will be sufficient D6 2, a copy of the manual and photocopy of the cards and some of the football field, to start playing with your friends. The system is the classic vas almost throw themselves under a 2d6 value, the value is given by a characteristic skill, trait, as you like! You can create your own physical techniques or spiritual techniques spectacular!

The manual is on offer promotional launch: The printed version 8.99 € 3.99 € and only the PDF version!

Sutoritto Faito Sakkaa "In the beginning was the football," now on!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sidekick Unlimited Hack Blog

Review Body Glitter Liquid Blush Review Kiko

Caught in color 11 to € 2.00 on offer in the shop I think Kiko Como, these glitter I have conquered it now! The reason?! The lightness and elegance of these "throw light" (hahaha, I wanted to avoid repetition), yes, the glitter and there are elegant targati Kiko.
In fact I have not found it too big sbrilluccicanti, last a long time even without a base under them and I almost always use the sides of the eye especially on Saturday night (festaaa).
I do not think there are 11 colors or more, or at least back in the box in which I found there was only one color different from this. Recommend them!? Yes, absolutely. In my modest opinion I think they both look good for that evening look rivivacizzare day. Now on the body I have not tried but I must say that quite a few, that is, with this tube in my two arms up to make filling them with glitter, said that cost little and are in balance, or at least still have hope.

Trench Foot And Urine

Mny (Maybelline)

MNY The brand is young for a few years out of Maybelline. This is the description found on the site "Profumissima"

"MNY and rub your eyes with as many as 153 references in total, including eye shadow, lip gloss, eyeliner, enamels, blush in full color.

Every two months, then, will launch a capsule-collection with a new look: the first will be called 'I am a Pop Queen', imagine a rainbow of shades ...

I hope this line will not be too selective distribution, it would be a crime: it seems that its products will cost more than € 4 ... "

So just a young line and ultra economical. Now, the ' I have never seen in any supermarket so let's say I had a nice butt to get this product to my market stall (The'm loving it!). Paid € 3 they seemed at first blush of gloss, hours from the initial visual color and the effect seemed to gloss, then read better (I always regret not doing so) I just saw Liquid Blush.
The color I can not tell, because I have not found any indication or any numbers or names.
In my stall there were still only these two colors.
Let's start with the description, are liquid blush with a watery consistency, however, not say, but glossy, fairly compact (I do not know how to say it simply does not run on the cheek). From the appearance of color, a shade light, but this product is added as the effect increases. Let's say that I still use it when I want to give a light touch of color to my cheeks! The duration
è ottima, la sfumabilità è decente e le colorazione sono parecchio carine e senza glitter o comunque riflessi!
Vi lascio alle foto ragazzuole!