Monday, January 3, 2011

Swimming In Dublin Lessons Starting Early 2010

Third appointment with the 'annual rankings. Go!

10 - The voice of the stars

In 2046, young Mikako and Noboru are separated when they see the first enlisted in the 'army to face a hostile alien race, while the latter continues his life on Earth. 'S only means of communication that the two men are the messages via mobile phones, but require more time to be received as Mikako you go into deep space. Their relationship will endure this ordeal?

A little gem that had it not been for some exaggeration of the things he could aspire to higher positions.

Per proteggere la popolazione dalle minacce paranormali, il Ministero della Difesa giapponese ha approntato una squadra di esorcisti specializzati nello sterminio dei demoni, l' "Ufficio per la prevenzione dei disastri Soprannaturali".
Membro di spicco del gruppo è Isayama Yomi, figlia adottiva di un grande esorcista, il quale deciderà di prendere in casa Tsuchimiya Kagura, rampolla di un' altra famiglia di esorcisti, recentemente rimasta orfana di madre.

This was really a surprise. Since only the prequel to the manga I thought that perhaps could not reach targets, but amazingly the story was quite exciting, and altogether compelling characters, especially Yomi, whose development is far from 'anything but obvious. Relegate it to 9th place only because, for 'just being a prequel, the ending is very open, but the fact remains that the story can be followed without reading pleasantly Ga Rei .

8 - 1001 Nights

I repeat here. Needless groped to summarize what little plot in this board, given his lack of consistency and hard to follow the thread. Let us simply captivated by the power of images, and the transcendence of music.

7 - Professor Layton el 'eternal diva

invited by his former pupil Jenis Quatlane, Professor Layton, a professor of archeology and world-renowned puzzle, he travels with his young student Luke Crown Petone to opera to attend a concert.
At the end of the show, however, will find themselves involved with all the other spectators in a challenge from an anonymous person: all compete for a prize to be won by a 'single person: the eternal life. All the other it is only death.

A film that truly manages to capture the spirit of the videogame. Between playing the game and watch the film there 's little difference, except that in the first case you squeeze your brain more active.

6 - Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann THE MOVIE: Lagann-hen

After defeating his four generals, Simon, now head of the Dai Gurren Dan , the battle moves to Teppelin and its ruler, Lord Genome, lord of beast-men. lost, which warns of the threat that the boy has unleashed on 'humanity, a threat that will lead to its extinction.

With all that we are facing one of the worst commercial, adding some juicy makes it truly worthy of viewing by the fans. Tengen Toppa

5 - Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

Despair besiege the lives of Itoshiki Nozomu, a high school teacher assigned to a new class. To say the least pessimistic in nature, just to throw a quisquilla Nozomu in the depths of despair and bring it to groped suicide. Things do not seem to improve when it comes into contact with his new class, at least until you realize that every student presenta delle fissazioni anche peggiori delle sue!

Piacevole ventata di follia come non ne vedevo dai tempi di Detroit Metal City . Considerabile come una via di mezzo tra Great Teacher Onizuka e Welcome to the NHK , saprà regalarvi qualche risata.

Ginko di professione fa il Mushishi, ossia lo sterminatore di mushi, esseri simili agli spiriti che vivono in un piano più profondo della natura, influenzando lei e noi. Tali Mushi possono essere innocui come pericolosi, quindi Ginko viaggia costantemente da un luogo all' altro prestando i propri servigi per debellare tali minacce.

Cosa si cela dietro l' apparenza delle cose? Esiste u n mond o che vive parallelamente al nostro? Mushishi dà la sua personale risposta al quesito, e lo fa con un approccio quasi contemplativo, che, anche se tradisce una certa freddezza, affascina, al prezzo di una lentezza certe volte che potrebbe scoraggiare alcuni.

everyday life of four high school students, divided between study, work, family, manga, and more.

Lively, funny, interesting, and damn otaku! Lucky Star is how they should be more or less all souls, with colorful characters and not bored. Almost tarantino in the story, since, as we have become accustomed to the best of the aforementioned film (Pulp Fiction ), few are able to construct stories about anything and make it interesting. You will be surprised what can essere avvincente una discussione sul come mangiare una brioche alla crema.

OZ è il social network più esteso che si possa concepire. Chiunque al mondo ha un profilo. Al suo interno si può fare qualsiasi cosa, dal passatempo al lavoro professionale, tanto che si può dire che la vita di tutti i giorni dipenda dai meccanismi di quello che è more than a simple alternative to Facebook.
And as everyone, including Kenji Koiso, a high school student with a keen acumen in mathematics, has an account in OZ, and it works for more. But when he is offered to accompany the traveling Shinohara senpai Natsuki does not think twice. She arrived in her family home, will have to do with his exuberant family, el 'summer will be hotter than ever.

My opinion on this film has had alternating phases. After an initial enthusiasm, as evidenced by the review, I had a phase of descent when I realized the many similarities with the plot of the film Digimon , sharing il regista (o almeno, con la sua prima metà, essendo costituito in realtà da due corti), cosa che me lo fece considerare come poco più di un clone.
Ma poi, pensandoci a mente fredda, un paio di considerazioni mi hanno fatto ricredere sulla bontà del progetto. Innanzitutto, questo non sarebbe il primo e di certo non il più clamoroso caso di riciclo di idee (alcuni hanno fatto ben di peggio, vi prego di tornare alla posizione 6); oltretutto, degli spunti simili sono stati sfruttati per raccontare due storie piuttosto diverse, visto che qui, oltre alla questione del collasso di internet, c' è tutto il contesto del mondo reale che è quello che dà veramente il peso della trama. Complimenti quindi!

1 - maison en petits cubes The

In a world submerged by raising an old lives and survives their home hand in hand with the increase in the level of evil. Buried under tons of 'water are souvenirs.

difficult to find words that have not already used to describe the beauty of this short.
Relax and enjoy, it is above.

Prize "He could do it": xxxHOLiC

Watanuki has the power to see spirits, and d 'interact with them. But this ability does not make him happy, because it is constantly haunted by any supernatural entity around.
One day, however, feels irresistibly attracted by an 'old home, where he was greeted by Yuuko, sensitive soul who agrees to release him from his "gift" in exchange for his servitude. So Watanuki finds himself working as a housekeeper in his shop, which specializes in 'to fulfill the wishes of the people.

Like Mushishi, but we are talking about an aspect of the world hidden from our eyes, but that interacts fully with ourselves, in this case a range of spirits, often from Japanese mythology . Faced with so many untapped potential as a captivating and engaging key points, what's missing in xxxHOLiC to be finished in the series of my personal "all in all sin"?
Basically, a cast of characters that do not generate hate and boredom ...


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