Monday, January 31, 2011

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took note of a growing and pathological dependence on technology, the Wall Street Journal has launched the "diet technology" with instructions to proceed to small steps on the path to complete ... disconnect!
For many years there are health services that deal with this problem, such as Belmont, where he is on a department dedicated to the care of computer addiction, or Seattle where there is a nursing home, or even China and South Korea, where similar services are managed by the government. However, a trend that manifests itself in recent times, as shown by the Wall Street Journal, is that the do-it-yourself.
Clearly, in Italy the reactions were swift.
Therefore here are some entries that demonstrate an awareness of this problem, from Luca Conti, young manager of the blog "Pandemic," which says: "We must realize that it is wrong to be always on . I agree with what he writes Douglas Rushkoff in his recent "Program or be programmed. Man is not made for real time, which is lower attention and productivity and damage personal relationships. "His proposal? Simple: no computer or phone at the table, to the movies and in bed. Then there
Giovanna Cosenza, Bologna semiotics which also deals with language and technology skills: "We are still too far back for drastic remedies," says, "it would be like worrying about the future risk of obesity in Africa." But then he adds: "It is fair to the kids instead of imposing rules, like any other thing. Do not play with the PlayStation at the table just as there are picks his nose, and it is hoped that adults use with each other equally good education. "
Ennio Martignago, consultant and psychotherapist, suggests a distinction between technologies: "We need more awareness for a computer search of what you need to stay always on on a smartphone, that can make you lose the perception of being connected to a virtual person in the real world while we at the table with wife, husband or children. But shutting down all together in the same day, it seems not practical, as in New York in one of our cities. "
diet forced the proposed instead (and sell) programs designed for kids, as supernannie or stopordi : The parent signs up, pay a few tens of euro per year and decide how many hours the PC of the children can remain connected to the network o semplicemente acceso.
E c'è infine qualcuno, come Vincenzo Cosenza, responsabile di Digital Pr, a Roma, che a dieta ci si è già messo: «Occupandomi di comunicazione sui social media », dice, «uso diversi dispositivi tecnologici durante la giornata. Dopo il lavoro sento il bisogno di staccare la spina. La sera disattivo rigorosamente ogni connessione, spengo il Blackberry e se posso leggo un buon libro. Per i ragazzini è diverso, loro lo usano per restare insieme ad amici e fidanzati: vanno costretti a riflettere, ma senza troppa rigidità.»

Fonte: La Repubblica


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