Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Do Old Women Still Wear Girdles

Kuuchuu Buranko - Review

Ichiro Irabu è lo psichiatra del suo ospedale. Manco fosse Freud, seguiremo la sua cura di vari pazienti che si sottopongono ai suoi servizi, decisamente poco ortodossi.

La prima definizione I would give to Kuuchuu Buranko so asked if I would be a Paranoia Agent on acid. Although it may not seem, both works have much in common, mainly due to only one: the 'analysis of various cases of mental illness related to modern society. Of course, the 'souls reviewed here has the same value of social criticism of his way of comparison, rather than as the company chew the lives of people interested in telling him to "just" their paranoia, and you'll see all kinds. Often, however, seems the doctor put worse than his patients. Irabu seems like a pointless character, and basically it is; he is the Jiminy Cricket of the third millennium, the most crazy about you but tells you how to behave. After all orders are doctor.

Childish, egotist, fetish injections, with serious personality disorders, so that it is not uncommon that triples (literally). And 'a man while wearing a mask (d bear') lives spontaneously, and basically what it suggests to all its patients to live beyond the masks that autoimpongono as a kind of defense, to overcome the barriers that create anxiety-inducing . L 'animalisation externalization of patients with symptoms that limit their life, and therefore make less than men. But he's only doctor. Shows you the way, maybe you wheel in there, it makes you trip him, but you have to be walking.

The risk with such an approach is that the series is boring. Must always give incentives, or bored. Fortunately for us Kuuchuu Buranko can keep, about the constant atmosphere of playful and all characters presented, that it had happened that captivates one! All the eleven patients are well delineated, and as their stories may open and close during an episode the viewer is involved in their story.

Of course, the nature episodica, e quindi la mancanza di un filo conduttore narrativo, rende la visione piuttosto "fine a sé stessa", considerando che, se non per qualche collegamento secondario, (quasi) ogni puntata è una storia a sé. Poco male, comunque, visto che la noia non fa mai capolino, anzi, qualche risata ci scappa. Ciliegina sulla torta le apparizioni estemporanee di Fukkuichi, che infarciscono le puntate di nozioni mediche.

Purtroppo la mancanza di un grosso budget sembra trasparire da molti elementi, quali la brevità (11 episodi) e il riciclo (comunque non assurdo) di scene. Dettagli comunque che non inficiano più di tanto i meriti series, which can be recognized also, and especially the visual, which is what hits first. Do not waste time to describe the madness of all colors, you will see and understand. I spend only a few words on 'use of actors in the flesh in many animations, brilliant!

The tunes are catchy music. To reward the ' opening, the' ending , el 'occasional use of classic songs (in a scene' s use of the lyric makes it hilarious).

Strength and courage, therefore, not be put off by its strangeness. Vedetene one, maybe two episodes, if you like them then the whole series will do for you, otherwise I'm sorry for having caused the loss of time, perhaps you need a 'injection of vitamins.

Rating: 8.5


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