Monique Van der Vorst, a Dutch girl of 26 years, high-level athlete in the Paralympic sport (so much to win the triathlon world title last year and two medals 'silver at the 2008 Paralympics in Beijing), has regained the use of his legs. Monique was paralyzed from the waist down since she was a teenager, due to poorly managed operation. So the Dutch girl
welcome on his website: "My life has been one of challenge, after becoming disabled at age 13 I never gave up: I tried every opportunity to live my life in full and I became a professional athlete. I have given myself the mission of my life at the highest level possible. After winning the World Championship of the Ironmen, I was at the forefront of the London 2012 Paralympics. But suddenly something changed. After an accident in 2010, my body began to change, and after a long and difficult period of rehabilitation, are now back on his feet! Now begins a new challenge for me. I do not know where or when it will end, but I will succeed and come back again to run. "
The accident that changed his life again Monique goes back to spring 2010 when, during a workout on the road, the Van der Vorst is was hit by a car. No one can yet a dare una spiegazione, fatto sta che nel periodo di riposo sono iniziati i primi segnali che indicavano una ritrovata sensibilità alle estremità. Così piano piano Monique ha ricominciato a muovere le gambe e nel novembre 2010 ha annunciato ufficialmente di essere in grado di camminare. L'ambizione numero uno di Monique ora è quella di gareggiare alle Olimpiadi tra gli atleti normodotati.
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