Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Has Anyone Used Bag Borrow And Steal

What a beautiful day

is a nice improvement from fall from the clouds . Main characters in themselves, indeed, the 'general inspiration is definitely higher.

Of course, given the circumstances and the success I was expecting a bombastic film, and unfortunately my expectations were a little disappointed: it is "just" Italian comedy more enjoyable for some time now. But this partial disillusionment comes in part from the genius who assembled the trailer, where it was collected many of the best lines.

Checco It's nice to see that you do not recycle much. The figure presented here is quite different from that of the previous film, know-nothing less, perhaps unlike most peasant, but a little different.

He talked a lot of social criticism contained in the film. We say that questo è un fattore a mio avviso un pò sopravvalutato. Si parla (tanto) di terrorismo, (poco) di precarietà, ma tutto sommato le ho trovate più che altro delle simpatiche frecciatine piuttosto innocue, ma direi che è il meglio che ci si possa aspettare da un comico non strettamente satirico.


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