Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can I Give Strep To My Cat

Review [Wii] - Review

Not that I regret having had a PS2. Probably the best console of last generation and one of the best all-time for quantity and quality of masterpieces. Except, of course, I'm not having many other masterpieces in other areas, such as Ninja Gaiden to 360, or, in this case, Metroid Prime on Gamecube. Luckily he has read the Great Heavenly Demon in my desires and made out of this collection, containing all the titles in the trilogy ( Top , Echoes, Corruption ), providing the first two in adapting to the controls on the Wii. The result? Superlative.

But given the particular nature of the product I'm talking about, spend a few words for each game.

Metroid Prime: Given to 'unanimity in the best of the trilogy. Is it true? For me confirm the common wisdom. I liked first two spans above the others, but no details of these demerits, but because I liked its classic and simple approach. Metroid Prime is a Metroid in its purest form, no changes whatsoever. To the extent that this classic (and perfection) of the gameplay, combined with the atmosphere (sometimes appear to made of weight) made me feel sometimes like you're playing a remake of Super Metroid. The spirit is always the classic, 'exploration of a world divided into several areas in search of reinforcements needed to carry out and kill the final boss.

Plot? In the true spirit Metroid is just (but soon!) Sketched. We are on the home planet of the Chozo, Tallon IV, devastated by a disasters such "great poison", the Phazon, which undermines any alien substance to be organic it comes into contact, which decreed the end of that civilization. Needless to say, the Space Pirates are making will do research on how to use Phazon and war, and, as always, they bring with them an overview of nice Metroid.

As always, the game itself is not particularly difficult, but always requires to proceed with caution, because of environmental dangers and enemies you can end all 'suddenly without energy. The difficulty, however, will be filed by 'acquisition of canonical power-up, presenting only a few peak (Meta Ridley bastard!).

The only disappointment, the final part. 'S last round of the final boss I was disappointed a little because it was not as intense as the previous ones, only mangy.

Technically the game looks good. Although it is still undeniably aged her figure, while the artistic sector is still valid as it was then. Same thing for the music, especially the arrangements of some classic songs of the brand.

Metroid Prime 2 Echoes : Samus arrives on the planet Aether, where he consumed a conflict between the natives and the dark Luminoth Ing (conflict won by them). These inhabit the dark half size of the Aether, in generatasi 'impact with a Leviathan phazon (as happened to Tallon IV). Samus will address the few survivors Luminoth combined threat of Mr. and space pirates, fighting at the same time, Dark Samus, the generated in his alter ego phazon at the end of Metroid Prime .

hinge of the sequel, and the main novelty is the mechanics of light and shadow introduced. Aether will be explored in both its variants, and that has a dark 'atmosphere is harmful, especially in that first game breakers will consume a considerable speed' s energy Samus. Not only that, instead of elemental laser shots we have here of light and shadow, effective against certain opponents, who are not even infinite ammunition will be collected by killing enemies with the opposite beam (example: Kill an enemy with a light blow and get bullets shadow).

These factors, combined with increased average difficulty of the fighting, make the game more difficult than the collection, not to mention the mechanics of having to explore the already considerable wide world of Aether in its shadow (though the proportions reduced compared to that of light) make it an even more complex game mechanics than usual, so much so that some did not like this.

Personally l 'I found nothing shocking. 'S commitment required is greater, but it happens in any Metroid to stop at a certain point not knowing what to do, failing to understand what to do (more or less honest) only after time. So, adding that the graphics are also improved (and tone, already dark in the first, are even more dark), is passed with flying colors.

Corruption: The threat of phazon is such that the 'intervention of the Galactic Federation, as well as other bounty hunters besides Samus. Several planets have been infected with the Space Pirates con il phazon, ormai del tutto assoggettati ad esso. Inoltre a guidarli è una rediviva Samus Oscura, che infetterà Samus e gli altri cacciatori. Quindi Samus dovrà non solo fermare l' avanzamento del phazon, ma anche combattere l' infezione che le consuma il corpo.

Per certi versi questo è il gioco che cerca d' innovare maggiormente (non solo per i controlli). Non avremo più un solo pianeta suddiviso in zone da esplorare, ma ogni zona farà riferimento ad un diverso pianeta, raggiungibili con la navetta (che qui avrà un ruolo più attivo che in passato). Se da un lato questo non può che variare le ambientazioni, dall' altro rende certe gli spostamenti da un luogo all' altro più meccanici di quanto non facessero gli ascensori negli altri giochi della serie.

Altra "grossa" novità per la serie è l' introduzione di filmati con dialoghi, che legano la "esile" storia. Nulla di memorabile, ma apprezzo il fatto di aver voluto aggiungere un pò di pepe ad un gioco che chiude una serie che tutto sommato è sempre rimasta uguale a sé stessa. Oltretutto questo elemento narrativo non rovina il feeling del gioco, visto che per la maggior parte del tempo sarete voi e i mondi da esplorare, con le loro insidie e tutto.

La difficoltà è calata rispetto a Echoes , e per certi versi è anche inferiore a Prime . I nemici sono più ostici del solito, ma l' uso dell' iperfase (ossia sfruttare la forza del phazon in cambio di energia vitale) permette di averne ragione rapidamente.

Insomma, in generale sembra un pò più lineare degli altri, e più user friendly in generale, ma rimane comunque un ottima chiusura per la serie. Per concludere, la grafica è ovviamente la migliore dei tre. Nulla di sconvolgente rispetto ad altri giochi di questa gen, ma fa il suo porco lavoro.

O ra parliamo della questione principale: i controlli. I primi due giochi sono stati adattati ai controlli di Corruption make, so the gun will be pointed by moving the wiimote. It takes time getting used to, but once she took my hand you can not have a good shot, aided by the coupling system on the enemy. 'S only real problem is that moving quickly, perhaps looking for an enemy, it can happen that the sensor loses the remote control signal, causing loss of control over the visual. Nothing incriminating, but a little annoying sometimes. Between controls and Prime Echoes are identical. Presents new Corruption, with a considerable simplification and streamlining of the system (no more ray alternative, I have always and only one, several other aspects ...), which testifies to the desire to do something new that animated the Retro Studios. Not to mention that a more physical interaction is apparent in many cases such as with the panels, and especially the 'use of the Grapple Beam, now entrusted to a strong wrist shot.

course, the 'effectiveness of the control system conflicts with their peculiarities, which make them indigestible to force things to someone. Another aspect that is a limit which is an advantage that the Trilogy is essentially three games are very similar, so if you do not like one is difficult for others to do change their minds. However, it is a purchase that I would recommend to everyone, we're talking about one of the best gaming trilogies of recent years (and it's over, what should not be underestimated!

Graphics: 8.5

Sound: 9

Gameplay: 9

Longevity: 9

Rating: 9


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