Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How To Build Carving Benches

Professor Layton and the Future Lost [NDS] - New Police Story Review

It ends the first trilogy of the series on Professor Layton. The next one will be set before this, and has already seen the 'release of his first chapter on the DS (gli altri due episodi usciranno su 3DS). Certo questo poco importerà ai denigratori della saga, che dopotutto o si ama o si odia, specie alla luce del fatto che non è cambiato di molto dai tempi de Il paese dei misteri , la più grossa novità portata nel suo seguito ( Lo Scrigno di Pandora ), oltre al doppiaggio italiano delle voci, fu la possibilità di prendere appunti durante la risoluzione degli enigmi, cosa qui naturalmente riproposta e ancor migliorata, con la possibilità di usare più colori e dimensioni del tratto.

La volontà di aiutare il giocatore la dimostra anche l' inserimento di un suggerimento supplementare, oltre ai canonici tre, sbloccabile pay 4 coins help. I actually had the 'impression that the average difficulty of the puzzles is very slightly decreased from the prequel, which however should not worry fans of the challenges, since the usual convoluted puzzles the answers are all right, as evidenced by the usual presence of "The Puzzle Layton "puzzles particularly difficult to obtain finish the game and completing mini-games on offer.

In this case the mini-games include having to complete the circuit with a toy car collecting all items required by the case (and with a limited number of moves), to create a path to a parrot (which will give the name ) because its complete deliveries, and the reconstruction of a history of 3 books, animated figures resulting terms can be filled with puzzles. The difference between a pleasant el enigma 'more, the variety and quality will satisfy the palate of every player.

having to spend a few words about the plot, especially when he finally reveals to us something about the past of Professor Layton when he was a professor. This time, no country or city of the occult mysteries, will be the normal scenario of the game in London. This, at least until Layton and Luke not found in London ten years into the future, driven there by a letter sent by Luke future. You get there find that the 'incident at the presentation of a time machine, they are missing is that the Prime Minister Professor Staingun, it may not be entirely objective in itself.

Once again the plot is supported by dialogues with still images, dubbed or not, and high quality animated movies, not to mention the music that will accompany you throughout the game, as always superlative. Of course technically the progress from the first few or none, but the kind with which we do not you feel the need.

The moral is always the same. Do you love it? Take it with my eyes closed. You hate it. Lassez Passer.

Graphics: 8.5

Sound: 9

Gameplay: 9

Longevity: 9

Rating: 9


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