Ce ne sono di cose da dire su questo libro, come ce ne sono di cose da dire, che avrebbero dovuto essere dette e che forse non verranno mai dette sul suo argomento, ossia i lati oscuri del Risorgimento italiano e come molte malefatte risalenti all' epoca non siano che i semi della crisi del Mezzogiorno tutt' oggi imperante.
If c 'is something that can not be said in April that it does not know can foster the spirit of revenge south, to put it polished. More down to earth, knows how to make us angry. And this, if it is a merit in that it prompts them to read (although sometimes you risk an attack of bile if it gets involved), from 'is another reflection of the fundamental innocence of' work, which in reality, besides giving a sprinkling of facts, does not do much.
Of course the test is considered a good forerunner to those who were fasting 's argument for a world as dark as important to the history of our country. That the Renaissance was not exactly the glorious expedition Culture National Historic c 'teaching is something that anyone with a bit of culture and' intelligence knows, the most ambiguous and to what extent the true nature of this phenomenon is known. Among looting, massacres, deportations, economic impoverishment in its broadest sense, there 'is for everyone. And the 'author traces the stages through some cardinal questions, such as the massacres perpetuated by Mille (plus various allies) in the course of' work, the destruction of the 'southern economy, etc. ...
Without taking anything away from what I struggle not to believe it was a real crap today unspoken, fear that in April, taken from a genuine enthusiasm (and right) in respect of his beloved native land, has reduced the entire issue to "tyrant of Lombardy, South victim." In particular, little to convince me was the description of a Kingdom of Two Sicilies nothing short of idyllic, that between "enlightened monarch" and booming economy makes it seem absurd that it fell so easily, especially when April does nothing but report what the people be faithful unto death to the kings (?) and how many officers were genes Bourbon strategic victory. Something is wrong. Unfortunately I am not informed enough on 'topic for future study, but suffice it to say that the reconstruction of April seems incomplete and, almost I am embarrassed to write it, as a party.
But the strange thing is that everything seems a little unsubstantiated, while substantially in the summary to be cited many texts along the book (and it seems strange the 'absence of a bibliography at the end, whereas we are facing a real test), given that, in addition to being piss people off, does not seem to offer anything concrete.
April is always there to tease the reader (assuming South) with comments like "I still wonder why southern non s' incazzino", but beyond this does not seem to do much. In fact, I have to admit di aver trovato la lettura noiosa sul lungo andare. Superato l' entusiasmo iniziale, la struttura ripetitiva del racconto di Aprile ha smorzato di molto l' interesse nella lettura, visto e considerando che tutto sommato ritrovarmi all' ennesimo elenco di cattiverie del nord (solo cambiando punto di focalizzazione) aveva un pò scocciato.
Per quanto il quadro generale possa apparire poco entusiasmante, non sconsiglio in toto la lettura. Come ho detto pocanzi, di sicuro il libro può essere un buon modo per svezzarsi all' argomento, anche se alcuni potrebbero trovarlo più utile per rintracciare i molti testi citati, forse meno sferzanti, ma magari più ricchi d' informazioni.
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