Monday, January 31, 2011

Automatic Soap Dispenser Toronto


WWF has launched its own electronic file format eco-thinking to protect the planet and the amount of unnecessary paper waste created in offices around the world.
This particular file format, technically similar to the format PDF, however, has a distinctive and fundamental problem can not be printed. The printing option is in fact totally blocked.
The objective of the WWF - a cross between an ironic provocation and a serious proposal of consciousness - is to help create a new awareness about the use of paper and at the same time give each individual a way to contribute positively to reducing environmental impact.
The way is simple: a free download from the WWF a small software that is currently available only for Mac OS X (a Windows version will be released soon), users can decide which their documents do not require the printing and then saved in the new format. "WWF", can send them by e-mail to friends and colleagues, which will not be able to print the file, forcing them to save whole reams of paper.


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took note of a growing and pathological dependence on technology, the Wall Street Journal has launched the "diet technology" with instructions to proceed to small steps on the path to complete ... disconnect!
For many years there are health services that deal with this problem, such as Belmont, where he is on a department dedicated to the care of computer addiction, or Seattle where there is a nursing home, or even China and South Korea, where similar services are managed by the government. However, a trend that manifests itself in recent times, as shown by the Wall Street Journal, is that the do-it-yourself.
Clearly, in Italy the reactions were swift.
Therefore here are some entries that demonstrate an awareness of this problem, from Luca Conti, young manager of the blog "Pandemic," which says: "We must realize that it is wrong to be always on . I agree with what he writes Douglas Rushkoff in his recent "Program or be programmed. Man is not made for real time, which is lower attention and productivity and damage personal relationships. "His proposal? Simple: no computer or phone at the table, to the movies and in bed. Then there
Giovanna Cosenza, Bologna semiotics which also deals with language and technology skills: "We are still too far back for drastic remedies," says, "it would be like worrying about the future risk of obesity in Africa." But then he adds: "It is fair to the kids instead of imposing rules, like any other thing. Do not play with the PlayStation at the table just as there are picks his nose, and it is hoped that adults use with each other equally good education. "
Ennio Martignago, consultant and psychotherapist, suggests a distinction between technologies: "We need more awareness for a computer search of what you need to stay always on on a smartphone, that can make you lose the perception of being connected to a virtual person in the real world while we at the table with wife, husband or children. But shutting down all together in the same day, it seems not practical, as in New York in one of our cities. "
diet forced the proposed instead (and sell) programs designed for kids, as supernannie or stopordi : The parent signs up, pay a few tens of euro per year and decide how many hours the PC of the children can remain connected to the network o semplicemente acceso.
E c'è infine qualcuno, come Vincenzo Cosenza, responsabile di Digital Pr, a Roma, che a dieta ci si è già messo: «Occupandomi di comunicazione sui social media », dice, «uso diversi dispositivi tecnologici durante la giornata. Dopo il lavoro sento il bisogno di staccare la spina. La sera disattivo rigorosamente ogni connessione, spengo il Blackberry e se posso leggo un buon libro. Per i ragazzini è diverso, loro lo usano per restare insieme ad amici e fidanzati: vanno costretti a riflettere, ma senza troppa rigidità.»

Fonte: La Repubblica

Do You Supposed To Be Dry Beforeyour Period


Facebook studia gli utenti. In una recente ricerca i gestori della piattaforma sociale analyzed the correlation between age, arguments and language used to express them.
The line drawn from the results is clear: messages with positive content, witty, ironic, collect a lot of "I like" happy users click on the button of appreciation, approval silent in terms of words but still creates a volume of interest. However, if the messages are negative trend, or more thoughtfully articulated, friends of those who wrote the comment and tend to give more detail on their views on the subject. Mal joy shared is a short, but this behavior can read a more complex structure of social response: I answer to help you; but also to help and to see if someone else will write something that will help me too.
In terms of age, according to the data, younger users are the most angry and focused on the person. In their messages, there are more negative emotions and profanity than those of adult users, who instead tend to focus on topics such as family, work and lives of others further up the age groups, the pronouns shift from first people to second. The time of day you log into the network also affects the choice of topics and words. Late at night, around 4, the most popular topic is of course to sleep, while the work is what we are talking about before you go to the office. When the sky is dark, around one o'clock at night, there's more negative emotions, while at dawn, around seven o'clock, the comments are positive and reflect the arrival of light. The emotional line of thought goes in fact the solar arc, starting with the most positive and expressing negativity As the sun sets.
With this analysis, Facebook has created a snapshot of the animated sample taken in the social object, probably in the light of life patterns not dissimilar, it can be extended throughout the West and not only to Anglophone countries. But they are data that remain inside Facebook, and studied in detail out of the social network may help to better understand how people live, what motivates people to share a thought, and if we really measuring the quality of life can still be based on parameters prior to social networks.
These figures finally show the existence of a humanity that uses technology as an aid to socializing after the last era, that of television, he had used for insulation.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can I Give Strep To My Cat

Review [Wii] - Review

Not that I regret having had a PS2. Probably the best console of last generation and one of the best all-time for quantity and quality of masterpieces. Except, of course, I'm not having many other masterpieces in other areas, such as Ninja Gaiden to 360, or, in this case, Metroid Prime on Gamecube. Luckily he has read the Great Heavenly Demon in my desires and made out of this collection, containing all the titles in the trilogy ( Top , Echoes, Corruption ), providing the first two in adapting to the controls on the Wii. The result? Superlative.

But given the particular nature of the product I'm talking about, spend a few words for each game.

Metroid Prime: Given to 'unanimity in the best of the trilogy. Is it true? For me confirm the common wisdom. I liked first two spans above the others, but no details of these demerits, but because I liked its classic and simple approach. Metroid Prime is a Metroid in its purest form, no changes whatsoever. To the extent that this classic (and perfection) of the gameplay, combined with the atmosphere (sometimes appear to made of weight) made me feel sometimes like you're playing a remake of Super Metroid. The spirit is always the classic, 'exploration of a world divided into several areas in search of reinforcements needed to carry out and kill the final boss.

Plot? In the true spirit Metroid is just (but soon!) Sketched. We are on the home planet of the Chozo, Tallon IV, devastated by a disasters such "great poison", the Phazon, which undermines any alien substance to be organic it comes into contact, which decreed the end of that civilization. Needless to say, the Space Pirates are making will do research on how to use Phazon and war, and, as always, they bring with them an overview of nice Metroid.

As always, the game itself is not particularly difficult, but always requires to proceed with caution, because of environmental dangers and enemies you can end all 'suddenly without energy. The difficulty, however, will be filed by 'acquisition of canonical power-up, presenting only a few peak (Meta Ridley bastard!).

The only disappointment, the final part. 'S last round of the final boss I was disappointed a little because it was not as intense as the previous ones, only mangy.

Technically the game looks good. Although it is still undeniably aged her figure, while the artistic sector is still valid as it was then. Same thing for the music, especially the arrangements of some classic songs of the brand.

Metroid Prime 2 Echoes : Samus arrives on the planet Aether, where he consumed a conflict between the natives and the dark Luminoth Ing (conflict won by them). These inhabit the dark half size of the Aether, in generatasi 'impact with a Leviathan phazon (as happened to Tallon IV). Samus will address the few survivors Luminoth combined threat of Mr. and space pirates, fighting at the same time, Dark Samus, the generated in his alter ego phazon at the end of Metroid Prime .

hinge of the sequel, and the main novelty is the mechanics of light and shadow introduced. Aether will be explored in both its variants, and that has a dark 'atmosphere is harmful, especially in that first game breakers will consume a considerable speed' s energy Samus. Not only that, instead of elemental laser shots we have here of light and shadow, effective against certain opponents, who are not even infinite ammunition will be collected by killing enemies with the opposite beam (example: Kill an enemy with a light blow and get bullets shadow).

These factors, combined with increased average difficulty of the fighting, make the game more difficult than the collection, not to mention the mechanics of having to explore the already considerable wide world of Aether in its shadow (though the proportions reduced compared to that of light) make it an even more complex game mechanics than usual, so much so that some did not like this.

Personally l 'I found nothing shocking. 'S commitment required is greater, but it happens in any Metroid to stop at a certain point not knowing what to do, failing to understand what to do (more or less honest) only after time. So, adding that the graphics are also improved (and tone, already dark in the first, are even more dark), is passed with flying colors.

Corruption: The threat of phazon is such that the 'intervention of the Galactic Federation, as well as other bounty hunters besides Samus. Several planets have been infected with the Space Pirates con il phazon, ormai del tutto assoggettati ad esso. Inoltre a guidarli è una rediviva Samus Oscura, che infetterà Samus e gli altri cacciatori. Quindi Samus dovrà non solo fermare l' avanzamento del phazon, ma anche combattere l' infezione che le consuma il corpo.

Per certi versi questo è il gioco che cerca d' innovare maggiormente (non solo per i controlli). Non avremo più un solo pianeta suddiviso in zone da esplorare, ma ogni zona farà riferimento ad un diverso pianeta, raggiungibili con la navetta (che qui avrà un ruolo più attivo che in passato). Se da un lato questo non può che variare le ambientazioni, dall' altro rende certe gli spostamenti da un luogo all' altro più meccanici di quanto non facessero gli ascensori negli altri giochi della serie.

Altra "grossa" novità per la serie è l' introduzione di filmati con dialoghi, che legano la "esile" storia. Nulla di memorabile, ma apprezzo il fatto di aver voluto aggiungere un pò di pepe ad un gioco che chiude una serie che tutto sommato è sempre rimasta uguale a sé stessa. Oltretutto questo elemento narrativo non rovina il feeling del gioco, visto che per la maggior parte del tempo sarete voi e i mondi da esplorare, con le loro insidie e tutto.

La difficoltà è calata rispetto a Echoes , e per certi versi è anche inferiore a Prime . I nemici sono più ostici del solito, ma l' uso dell' iperfase (ossia sfruttare la forza del phazon in cambio di energia vitale) permette di averne ragione rapidamente.

Insomma, in generale sembra un pò più lineare degli altri, e più user friendly in generale, ma rimane comunque un ottima chiusura per la serie. Per concludere, la grafica è ovviamente la migliore dei tre. Nulla di sconvolgente rispetto ad altri giochi di questa gen, ma fa il suo porco lavoro.

O ra parliamo della questione principale: i controlli. I primi due giochi sono stati adattati ai controlli di Corruption make, so the gun will be pointed by moving the wiimote. It takes time getting used to, but once she took my hand you can not have a good shot, aided by the coupling system on the enemy. 'S only real problem is that moving quickly, perhaps looking for an enemy, it can happen that the sensor loses the remote control signal, causing loss of control over the visual. Nothing incriminating, but a little annoying sometimes. Between controls and Prime Echoes are identical. Presents new Corruption, with a considerable simplification and streamlining of the system (no more ray alternative, I have always and only one, several other aspects ...), which testifies to the desire to do something new that animated the Retro Studios. Not to mention that a more physical interaction is apparent in many cases such as with the panels, and especially the 'use of the Grapple Beam, now entrusted to a strong wrist shot.

course, the 'effectiveness of the control system conflicts with their peculiarities, which make them indigestible to force things to someone. Another aspect that is a limit which is an advantage that the Trilogy is essentially three games are very similar, so if you do not like one is difficult for others to do change their minds. However, it is a purchase that I would recommend to everyone, we're talking about one of the best gaming trilogies of recent years (and it's over, what should not be underestimated!

Graphics: 8.5

Sound: 9

Gameplay: 9

Longevity: 9

Rating: 9

Friday, January 28, 2011

Windowsblinds 7 Actvation

RPG exploration Prophecy: Alla scoperta del nuovo mondo

RPG exploration Prophecy: Exploring the new world

LONG CAMPAIGN: 2 Islands Small, 2 Medium, 1 Large and 1 Giant (Total boxes: 65, 455 days)

Resources Needed: 100
food needed: 90
Days before the Wave: 350
The narrator wins if the group is saved in: 340 days

Forest timber: 4
Fabric: 2
Liane : 2
Field diamonds: 3
Water Sources: 2
positive events: 6
Events Negatives: 7


Hare: 1 Food
Cervo: 3 Food
Boar: 5 Food
Elephant: 10 Food

Reversal: 1 Food
Pheasant: 3 Food
Turkey: 5 Food
Ostrich: 10 Food

Trout: 1 Food
Salmon: 3 Food
Tuna: 5 Food
Whale: 10 Food



10 ship material


15 ship material


20 ship material


10 Wealth

Source Water

15 Food

Distribution of Islands Events and resources:
















restarted working on this: from Monday to Wednesday, John is not present, for any problems send an email to vasquasexecutive.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Liver Toxicity And Back Pain

Donkey Kong Country Returns [WII] - Review

Playing Donkey Kong Returns is to go back with the memory as a child I used to play the founder of the series ( Donkey Kong Country ) on the legendary Super Nintendo. The difficulty, multiplayer "tag team", the experimental graphics, the music sublime ... A pearl-generation 16-bit. Needless to say that the trailer 's announcement at E3 last year I did hope to find a game that had the same feeling, but now showing a spectacular gameplay (with a heavy dose of scripted events) quite modern. Com 'is gone? Well, great! But certain things are irretrievably lost.

Pariamoci immediately Butt: Donkey Kong Country Returns is an excellent title in its genre, a platform that any fan should have a Wii, buy with their eyes closed. We are facing a pure platforming like you have never seen since the days of New Super Mario Bros. Wii , so we jump, enemies to crush, jump, moving platforms, jump, some small puzzles, jump and jump again. Retro Studios to be applauded for giving the game a variety of situations truly commendable. Even though it comes most often in the canons of the genre have been able to significantly rejuvenate. The levels will always go from point A to point B. He 's exploration is rewarded with bonuses and collectibles (which give access to different extra).

absurd If you bother to mimic long-levels (which in itself already puts you ahead of many different events), some alternative, such as mining trucks barrel rocket and welcome back, will be able to distract duty. In reality, there would also be a chance to ride Rambo, Rhino (more return from 'original), but even here the first disappointment. Leaving aside the fact that all other animals have disappeared, along the game you meet him, counting the extra levels, I do not think more than 5 times, far too few to make it memorable at the time that almost was been better not to put it (a bit like Yoshi in NSMBW above) plus, but will be a 'my impression, it has lost that feeling of heaviness that was massive.

The game worlds take over the issues of 'the original (such as jungle and factory), also adding new ones (SPOILER: but is it really necessary that every platform in a world with the words' fire element? ), and despite having a design to say the least commendable, it is disappointing to see that lacks that bit of variety to 'inside of them that there' was previously (for example, the first in the world with the jungle also provided levels in caves and swamps. I sorry so much on the beat resemblance to predecessors, but the Retro themselves said they wanted to do almost a remake).

Turning to the controls, we have joys and sorrows. Jumping, running, and you grab it launches, so far so good, but problems come with the cursed trinity: the earth shake, roll, blow. All operations assigned to the shaking of the Wiimote, the first shot, second in motion, the third from lowered. It will be a big problem at the beginning of the game, but will recur even going forward, because the character is positioned to make a proper 'action other than the one intended. In particular, I noticed something really annoying: if you press the arrow verso il basso il personaggio certe volte non rest abbassato, ma si alza e si riabbassa velocemente, e solo ora resta giù. Inutile dire che se scuotete il mote mentre pensando che sia giù quando è nel frangente in cui si rialza il personaggio potrebbe rotolare, magari verso un precipizio. Ed è capitato più volte che questo problema mi fregasse. Come se il gioco non fosse già difficile di suo.*

Si, ci troviamo ad un gioco davvero difficile, a tratti anche frustrante. La precisione richiesta in certi salti è maniacale, e in certi momenti dovrete fare slalom assurdi evitando ostacoli. Come ho detto sopra, però, nulla che chi voglia una sfida non possa accettare. Quando il gioco diventa però indisponente è durante il multyplayer, vero buco nell' acqua del gioco.

Partiamo da questo presupposto: Diddy Kong non sarà giocabile in single player; se nell' originale potevate scegliere tra la bruta stazza di Donkey e l' agilità di Diddy (che diciamocelo, preferivamo spesso), qui potrete usare unicamente il gorillone. Diddy è ridotto nel single player ad un upgrade, che, montando sulle spalle di Donkey, lo fornirà di due cuori di vita extra e dei suoi jetpack, che renderanno molto più facili i salti. Questi elementi rendono il gioco in modalità unico giocatore molto più abbordabile che in multi, dove un primate andrà to each player. In this case, prepare yourself with patience, because the counter screw (one for both players) will flow like water in a river, especially the large disparity d 'skill among players, because while he dies in a continuation along the level, sucking lives, just one more able to die a few times that maybe you get the game over (and then having re-examined the level from 'beginning). But the real question is how the 'experience (yes, named him yet) NSMBW not appear to have school. Forget the mechanics of 'help-hinder this title, here the characters do not interact with each other, indeed, bother you often end up inadvertently with platforms that fall or moving at the touch of a single character, dropping the 'search of nothing more than' get there. Actually see how the levels are set it seems that the game is designed just for the single player (as evidenced especially when driving a vehicle that both players will have to be controlled simultaneously, the choice to put it mildly insane, which forces a player to having to wait your turn to play. also the case in 'original, but there all the game was set about giving the gearbox). Well, I personally do not recommend 'experience in multi (it tells one that he bought especially for this), especially in the first round, which could hold round-up of frustration. Alone I think if you enjoy a lot better.

The technical is commendable. The color palette is bright, as well as the design, but appealing puccioso (only regret, again, is the comparison with the 'original, which boasted a much more dark and attractive). The icing on the cake are the levels where the shape of Donkey and Diddy is indistinguishable from that of the ground, reaching levels in certain sections colored. Really beautiful, as the style will no doubt be my favorite levels of this' year, so I almost would have preferred that the game was all so, or that he had put a bet on the most extreme graphics. In terms of sound, nothing to say, the 'island of Donkey Kong è piena di vita e lo dimostra un comparto di musiche (arrangiamenti di brani classici e nuovi di zecca) e di effetti validissimo.

Certo, dopo tante critiche, pare che il gioco lo voglia stroncare. E invece no, perché lo ribadisco, Donkey Kong Country Returns è un ottimo gioco, nel suo genere anche un capolavoro, che fa rimpiangere l' aver perso il feeling dell' originale e la mancanza di un multiplayer che osasse fare più del suo minimo dovere, ma lo raccomando a tutti per una sana immersione tropicale.

Grafica: 8.5

Sound: 9

Gameplay: 8.5

Longevity: 8

Rating: 8

Personal Statements Examples For Dental Hygiene

gioco di ruolo del calcio Street Fight Soccer

RPG Street Fight Soccer
I play the role of calcium Street Fight Soccer is coming into its second edition.

Street Fight Soccer is the game of football role of minimal dementia.

His first edition is on sale on and has had some success! In the new manual as well as the new graphics, you'll find all the recommendations put forward by tanti giocatori di SFS.

Insomma è un'edizione più matura (non per gente matura), meglio strutturata, meglio tutto insomma è FIGO!

Abbiamo mantenuto la promessa di inserire le tecniche segnalate da alcuni utenti anche le più folli!

Il manuale del quale potete iniziare a sfogliare le prime pagine ( qui ), sarà disponibile nelle pagine di come print on demand nei prossimi mesi.

SFS è un gioco di ruolo classico, 80% gioco tattico e 20% gdr adatto soprattutto a partite singole o a brevi campionati! Le illustrazioni sono di Simone Capasso, mentre l'idea è di Domenico Franciamore e Giovanni Micolucci.

La versione che oggi vi illustriamo è una prima proposta che sono felice di mostrarvi in anteprima, non è detto che la versione definitiva del manuale abbia questo layout. Sfoglia il manuale direttamente sul blog:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

White Vinegar To Remove Warts

gioco di ruolo esplorativo medieval heroes: Alla scoperta del nuovo Mondo!

gioco di ruolo esplorativo medieval heroes: Alla scoperta del nuovo Mondo!

Visto che Angel's Flight è in dirittura d'arrivo, propongo di iniziare lo sviluppo del gioco di ruolo esplorativo medieval heroes.

Le idee da sviluppare sono le seguenti:

Lo scopo è realizzare un Gioco di ruolo esplorativo.

Cosa interpretano i giocatori: come da introduzione interpretano un Esploratore/Cacciatore, mandato dai primi arrivati nell'isola ad esplorare i territori circostanti Conolulu che è l'isola madre.

Scopo: Lo scopo è esplorare tutte le isole e ogni zona della mappa, per raccogliere ricchezze (Oro, Diamanti) ma anche scoprire riserve di caccia.

Scopo finale del gioco: Esplorare tutte isole di Conolulu e quindi ripartire con la nave che viene costruita nel frattempo verso il "Nostro Mondo" Roma.

The group will be given a map whose center is located Conolulu, while there will be around that show the squared areas unexplored.

The group chose to explore that area wants to start every time you enter into a new picture (to explore everything you'll need a week of walking), the narrator launches a number of dice to determine the area (like travelers) that are going to explore.

What should define: In practice define the type of landscape, if there is a holy place or holy places, whether it is inhabited by a people or the area is uninhabited (though how many people lived there) se ci sono bestie oppure no, se è presenta l'acqua e in che modo è possibile procurarsela e anche la Fauna presente. Da quel momento in poi il Narratore avrà a disposizione uno scenario per far muovere il gruppo e portare insieme avanti l'esplorazione.

Si prosegue con il sistema classico di Narrazione, unica differenza che il Narratore invece di avere un'avventura prefissata ha uno scenario da Sviluppare.

Sistema: Il sistema sarà quello del Fast Play, tre caratteristiche più Abilità si tirano 2d6 sotto. Il Combattimento sarà minimale, niente parti del corpo ma solo Ferito e Morto, solo tre modi di combattere, lancia, pugnale, oggetti dell'ambiente e pugni/calci.  Tutto will focus on travel and survival. Eating, sleeping and drinking are the important things (most of the fighting). An important part of the system will also manage: rain, hurricanes, storms, earthquakes and tsunamis. That is, in practice every day throughout the adventure after the Master will launch the climate that clearly influence the situations they will face the passengers.

four people will be developed including the early Romans, a dozen animals Big Cats, Wolves etc. .. etc ... and common animals: hare, deer etc ... etc ... some cults and religious groups.

When exploring an island over, the Players back in the central island that is Conolulu where they find shelter, treated, refreshments etc ... etc ... Return to normal conditions.

When the entire map has been explored the game is over, in practice the Rangers survived Remo start with the new ship promptly and with the riches collected.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How To Build Carving Benches

Professor Layton and the Future Lost [NDS] - New Police Story Review

It ends the first trilogy of the series on Professor Layton. The next one will be set before this, and has already seen the 'release of his first chapter on the DS (gli altri due episodi usciranno su 3DS). Certo questo poco importerà ai denigratori della saga, che dopotutto o si ama o si odia, specie alla luce del fatto che non è cambiato di molto dai tempi de Il paese dei misteri , la più grossa novità portata nel suo seguito ( Lo Scrigno di Pandora ), oltre al doppiaggio italiano delle voci, fu la possibilità di prendere appunti durante la risoluzione degli enigmi, cosa qui naturalmente riproposta e ancor migliorata, con la possibilità di usare più colori e dimensioni del tratto.

La volontà di aiutare il giocatore la dimostra anche l' inserimento di un suggerimento supplementare, oltre ai canonici tre, sbloccabile pay 4 coins help. I actually had the 'impression that the average difficulty of the puzzles is very slightly decreased from the prequel, which however should not worry fans of the challenges, since the usual convoluted puzzles the answers are all right, as evidenced by the usual presence of "The Puzzle Layton "puzzles particularly difficult to obtain finish the game and completing mini-games on offer.

In this case the mini-games include having to complete the circuit with a toy car collecting all items required by the case (and with a limited number of moves), to create a path to a parrot (which will give the name ) because its complete deliveries, and the reconstruction of a history of 3 books, animated figures resulting terms can be filled with puzzles. The difference between a pleasant el enigma 'more, the variety and quality will satisfy the palate of every player.

having to spend a few words about the plot, especially when he finally reveals to us something about the past of Professor Layton when he was a professor. This time, no country or city of the occult mysteries, will be the normal scenario of the game in London. This, at least until Layton and Luke not found in London ten years into the future, driven there by a letter sent by Luke future. You get there find that the 'incident at the presentation of a time machine, they are missing is that the Prime Minister Professor Staingun, it may not be entirely objective in itself.

Once again the plot is supported by dialogues with still images, dubbed or not, and high quality animated movies, not to mention the music that will accompany you throughout the game, as always superlative. Of course technically the progress from the first few or none, but the kind with which we do not you feel the need.

The moral is always the same. Do you love it? Take it with my eyes closed. You hate it. Lassez Passer.

Graphics: 8.5

Sound: 9

Gameplay: 9

Longevity: 9

Rating: 9

Wedding Programs Wording Flowers In Memory

Trying to fill an evening of boredom yesterday my eyes fell upon this action of matrix Chinese police, as evidenced by Jackie Chan star (and producer).

And the result was a little surprise. Far from 'being a masterpiece, New Police Story does his duty well. In particular, I was surprised to see Jackie in a more dramatic role than usual, after his many appearances of recent years seem to have relegated to comedy roles.

Scenes 'action very excited, a story in the media (but well developed), good performers, and an' excellent direction, sometimes even experimental. For a relaxed evening is more than perfect.

Diagram Of Where Implantation Cramping Would Be

gioco di ruolo storico Angel's flight aerei della seconda guerra mondiale

RPG historic Angel's Flight aircraft of World War II
released 0.9 Beta.

The manual is now 100% complete before the final release to the chart we are checking each one of the paragraphs to improve readability.

That is the last version that we send testers to AF, we ask for both of us if you want to receive it. Thanks

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Motorola Phone Tools 4.2

ITALIAN TEAM IDENTIFIES a protein responsible for Alzheimer's

is the Italian team that has scored a major coup against Alzheimer's disease: the discovery of a protein that would have a key role in memory loss typical of the disease.
were scholars Telethon, led by Professor Francesco Cecconi, to carry out the important scoperta, dopo una serie di esperimenti in laboratorio.
In particolare gli scienziati si sono concentrati su una rara forma ereditaria della malattia che si manifesta precocemente rispetto all’affezione più comune. Nonostante questa divergenza tra le due forme patologiche, il processo degenerativo che subisce il malato è lo stesso: un progressivo decadimento delle cellule del cervello che porta a una graduale scomparsa di memoria, linguaggio, percezione e cognizione spaziale.
«Siamo partiti dall’osservazione che con il progredire della malattia di Alzheimer i neuroni perdono progressivamente il contatto tra loro, essenziale per la trasmissione dei segnali nervosi», afferma Marcello D’Amelio, ricercatore dell’Università Campus Bio-Medico of Rome and first author of the work, then as explained in the first stage of the disease occurs in a loss of synapses, the ramifications of the nerve cell that enable communication with surrounding cells. It is precisely the lack of dialogue between neurons that leads gradually to the memory deficits typical of Alzheimer's. "What was not known, though," the researcher concluded, "were the molecular mechanisms behind this phenomenon."
is a specific protein, capsasi-3, to be particularly active at this time. According to scholars it is she playing a key role in the loss of synaptic spines, the connections of neurons in the brain area responsible for the memory. "This is confirmed by the fact that, treated with a drug that inhibits the activity of the protein," says Cecconi, "the mice with the disease show a very significant improvement in behavior."
The discovery not only help in the search for appropriate therapies drug - research that is unfortunately still a long way - but also, and above all, facilitate the early diagnosis of the disease. For Cecconi, in fact, the fact that you have tests which can diagnose early and with some specific diseases such as Alzheimer's, could change the history of this disease.
The research was published in the journal Nature Neuroscience.


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CSVnet From estimates (National Coordination of volunteer services at the centers) - estimates dating back to December 2010 - is that voluntary organizations operating in Italy are 42 thousand.
The last survey was undertaken in 2006 by the Italian federation of voluntary organizations and had 35 thousand. After four years, ie, the number of institutions would be increased by 20%.
trend in line with what is contained in the Report of Mission Auser 2009, an association that represents the active role of older volunteers, according to which the excess of 300 thousand members and volunteers has increased by twenty percentage points compared to 2007.
In fact, the results of the surveys, although indicative, to be in line with the statistical criteria should still be filtered through the systematization of databases.
In this regard, the first session of the national statistical office ISTAT Conference, held in Rome between 15 and 16 December 2010, was devoted to his volunteer work, in line with the objectives of 2011, namely: development of young volunteers, cutting red tape and awareness activities through the mass media.
In regard to this choice, namely to give priority to volunteers, the president of CSVnet says: "It's a very positive sign, especially at a time when the volontariato rischia di essere visto come puro intervento emergenziale. Forse sta finalmente passando il messaggio che il nostro ruolo non è solo riparativo, ma costruttivo per il benessere generale.»


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A Torino è in fase di sviluppo il primo dormitorio per clochard con cane al seguito. L'iniziativa, pensata dai City Angels, prevede la realizzazione di un apposito spazio per 11 senzatetto e altrettanti per i loro compagni a quattro zampe. Capita spesso, infatti, che i clochard rifiutino l'offerta di un ricovero caldo in pieno inverno per il semplice fatto che questo vorrebbe dire separarsi dal proprio cane, per molti unico compagno di vita e rimedio alla solitudine.
The project is called "Homeless not dogless - No waiver of a friend", located inside the laboratory and find social housing in Turin is home to people already in financial difficulty in studios at discounted prices.

Hair Rollers Dizziness


The Mayor of Novara called Silvana Moscatelli, has 67 years. Receive me into his office in town with a handshake and a smile. It seems like many an encounter in the life of a reporter: One of the usual interviews. But it is not true. This is a special meeting because the mayor of Novara is blind. The only blind mayor of Italy: "There was one in a small town in Puglia, but many years ago," he says.
Throughout his life, until last spring, the view was perfect. The disease - a sudden darkness that no doctor has yet to explain - came in April 2010, in the days when Silvana Moscatelli has become the first city of Novara, taking the place of Massimo Giordano, elected regional council. I feel a little embarrassed about wanting to tell his story but the interview will slip away peaceful. In the end, you feel that you have received a mysterious force, perhaps even more courage to live.
Mr. Mayor, let's start with the usual Preliminary its previous history in a nutshell.
"I was born in Foligno, my father was an army general, are more than forty years in Novara. I taught letters in high school until 1993, when I retired and I am dedicated to politics. I am a widow for ten years, I have a daughter - Ilaria - 38 year old granddaughter and a 5 '.
She was until April 2010 to the budget commissioner and vice mayor. Then what happened?
"After the administrative Mayor Giordano has chosen to go to the region and we wanted to avoid new elections. From vice, would become mayor. "
She was good in those days?
"Apparently very well. My doctor ordered a routine exam. They find that a value of blood called CPK, and should be a maximum of 270, is 63,000. No human has ever had such high value: the record, if we use this term, was a young man who had arrived in La Spezia 43,000. The doctor says that risk kidney failure, and therefore life. I rushed. "
Remember when she entered the hospital?
"It was a Saturday. I am told that the disease called rhabdomyolysis, or something like that. I stick to drip to do the washing of the kidneys. "
The view?
"Nobody thought at the sight. I had ten tenths in both eyes. Never worn glasses in my life, only to read but was given the physiological age. On Monday, I begin to realize that vision is improving. Every day that passed, I saw less and less. I went home after twenty-five days and I could see something, say some shade. Then even those: more than anything. "
How could this happen?
I do not know. The doctors say it is a mystery because the eyes are still very healthy. Perhaps I had inflammation of the optic nerves: in both, and this fact seems to have very little previous.
has decided not to give up the mayor.
'It's clear that in those days around me there was much political unrest. Everyone thought that I would quit. For ten days stata ferma e zitta, mi sono chiusa in me stessa per riflettere. Mi sono chiesta se ero in grado di affrontare un impegno del genere. Le dico una cosa: io ho percepito subito che non sarei guarita. Ma ho pensato che la vita va interpretata secondo le modalità nuove che presenta, e che spesso non dipendono da noi. Ho pensato: se rinuncio, la città viene commissariata e tutto il lavoro fatto non verrà portato a termine. Ho concluso che per Novara era meglio un sindaco non vedente che un commissario».
Com’è la sua vita quotidiana, adesso?
«Entro in Comune alle 8 ed esco alle 19. A mezzogiorno mangio un panino al bar qui sotto. Vado a tutte le manifestazioni, ai dibattiti, alle inaugurazioni. Ormai i novaresi sanno. Mi hanno mandato centinaia di mail e di lettere di stima e di solidarietà».
Nessuno ha eccepito? Nessuno ha detto che una città così grande – Novara ha 103.000 abitanti ed è un capoluogo di provincia! – non può avere un sindaco non vedente?
«Mi dicono che qualcuno, e non solo dell’opposizione, ha contestato, dicendo che gli atti che firmo non possono essere legittimi. Ma la legge mi permette di firmarli. La mia segretaria me li legge e io li firmo. Ho inventato un riquadro di cartone dentro il quale passo la biro e firmo».
Come fa ad avere cognizione di tutto? Sembra impossibile.
«Chi vede non può capirlo, ma la memoria e la concentrazione are refined greatly. Even the perception of appearances: sometimes my niece tells me no onna , but you see us! , because I can always understand where he is. Believe me, it is. The city council in September 27 I pitted in memory all the data of the budget, that others saw on the slide. "
really do not hope to recover?
"There is always hope, but I feel that even doctors do not believe anymore. I was in Germany and they told me: Madam, you better do a course for the blind. My strength, let me tell you otherwise do not understand is that just took over a kind of acceptance. I understand that this new situation andava affrontata aggredendola e impostando una nuova vita».
Chi l’assiste?
«Tanti mi aiutano, naturalmente. Ma ho deciso di continuare a vivere da sola. In casa siamo io e il mio splendido cane, Pippo. Mi lavo, mi preparo la colazione del mattino e mi vesto da sola. Scelgo gli abiti che indosso: li riconosco, e cerco sempre di essere elegante perché non rinuncio alla mia femminilità».
Pippo è un cane per ciechi?
«Ma no, è il cane che avevo già. Le racconto questo. Quando ho capito che avrei perso la vista, i miei primi pensieri sono stati: non vedrò crescere la mia nipotina, e temo di perdere Pippo. E’ un cane che era stato abbandonato in a forest and tied to a tree, I had read his own story in La Stampa and receiving taken. I was afraid that he would feel abandoned again. I assure you that he received the news, they become more protective. "
Madam, how can he be so calm?
"Everyone was surprised. The other day I came here to talk about a writer Novara his project. He had not realized that I'm blind. At one point I got a book and I had to tell him. E 'was forbidden. He promised me to be reading this. And when he left he said: I'm leaving positively bewildered. "
you what - excuse me ma non trovo un altro verbo – «vede»?
«Buio, nero. Solo buio e solo nero assoluto. Conservo una memoria delle cose che ho visto prima. E qualcosa riesco a immaginare anche delle cose nuove: basta un rumore, un odore… Ad esempio quando ero in ospedale a Tubinga, un posto dove non ero mai stata, mia figlia mi accompagnava a passeggio in città e percepivo, davo forma e figura a qualcosa: un giardino, una strada, una piazza. E’ così. Ma voglio continuare a vivere, non mi arrendo».
L’intervista è finita. Silvana Moscatelli si alza per salutarmi, le sue mani cercano riferimenti in un mondo diventato misterioso. Solo in questo momento si avverte in lei qualcosa che sembra una debolezza. But perhaps it is a force.

Michele Brambilla, La Stampa

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Monique Van der Vorst, a Dutch girl of 26 years, high-level athlete in the Paralympic sport (so much to win the triathlon world title last year and two medals 'silver at the 2008 Paralympics in Beijing), has regained the use of his legs. Monique was paralyzed from the waist down since she was a teenager, due to poorly managed operation. So the Dutch girl
welcome on his website: "My life has been one of challenge, after becoming disabled at age 13 I never gave up: I tried every opportunity to live my life in full and I became a professional athlete. I have given myself the mission of my life at the highest level possible. After winning the World Championship of the Ironmen, I was at the forefront of the London 2012 Paralympics. But suddenly something changed. After an accident in 2010, my body began to change, and after a long and difficult period of rehabilitation, are now back on his feet! Now begins a new challenge for me. I do not know where or when it will end, but I will succeed and come back again to run. "
The accident that changed his life again Monique goes back to spring 2010 when, during a workout on the road, the Van der Vorst is was hit by a car. No one can yet a dare una spiegazione, fatto sta che nel periodo di riposo sono iniziati i primi segnali che indicavano una ritrovata sensibilità alle estremità. Così piano piano Monique ha ricominciato a muovere le gambe e nel novembre 2010 ha annunciato ufficialmente di essere in grado di camminare. L'ambizione numero uno di Monique ora è quella di gareggiare alle Olimpiadi tra gli atleti normodotati.

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Oggi in Italia - secondo i dati di "La città ai nostri piedi", un rapporto realizzato da Legambiente e Aci (Automobile club d'Italia) in occasione del trentennale della prima isola pedonale - ogni 100 abitanti ci sono una media di 34 metri quadrati di zone interdette al traffico motorizzato. Nel complesso, i capoluoghi di provincia che adottano le isole pedonali sono 93, con effetti positivi ormai indiscutibili: riduzione del livello di smog e rumore, aumento degli utenti del trasporto pubblico, migliori tutela dei monumenti e valorizzazione turistica, aumento della vivibilità e della sicurezza sia stradale che generale, rivalutazione del mercato immobiliare. E, soprattutto considerando le iniziali perplessità dei negozianti, l'innalzamento del volume d'affari delle attività commerciali non inferiore al 20%.
Ma i trent'anni di isole pedonali in Italia impallidiscono davanti ai quasi sessanta dell'Olanda, apripista europea con la chiusura al traffico nel 1953 di Lijnbaan, principale distretto commerciale di Rotterdam. Oltre mezzo secolo di cultura del pedone che da few years has turned into something different and more ambitious: the creation of entire neighborhoods completely free from motorized vehicle traffic.
How to Vienna, where there is proven experience of ' Autofrei Siedlung of Nordmanngasse, a residential area about 8 kilometers from the center served perfectly by public transportation: the 600 families living there at the moment signature of the contract have agreed to not owning a car own choosing so for everyday use public transport, bicycle or foot. The money and the space saved by the lack of parking construction, notes the report of Legambiente, can be invested in better qualità residenziale, spazi verdi, servizi collettivi. E dopo Nordmanngasse è già in progettazione una replica, Bike City, con 3.400 persone che hanno già prenotato un appartamento. Tornando in Olanda, anche Amsterdam ha il suo quartiere carfree: GWL Terrein, realizzato negli anni Novanta su un'area di 6 ettari che in precedenza era occupata da un grande impianto di trattamento dell'acqua. A GWL Terrain vivono circa mille persone e tra un edificio e l'altro ci sono soltanto sentieri, piste ciclabili e prati. L'accesso è consentito esclusivamente ai mezzi d'emergenza, mentre per disincentivare l'uso dell'auto i parcheggi edificati a ridosso del quartiere possono contenere non più di 135 mezzi. E' attivo un servizio di car sharing (Car time-share) used by 10% of the population, while others prefer the extensive network of bicycle lanes and tramways around the neighborhood.
from Holland to Scotland. The settlement of Slateford Green, Edinburgh, was built on an area previously occupied by rail: 251 apartments without a single parking space. Again there are very efficient public transport, car sharing and schools within walking distance. Result: only 12% of households own a car, of course, only to park outside the district. Index for the whole phenomenon of carfree cities, a study conducted at Slateford Green University in Canada revealed that the most residents abandoned the car not so much a choice for environmental or civil liability, but rather for convenience and economic necessity.
Staying in Britain, although London has its own car-free neighborhood. It's called BedZED (Beddington Zero Energy Development) and is self-sufficient in energy and zero budget in terms of carbon emissions anhydrite. One hundred homes, 3000 square feet of offices, shops and sports facilities, a medical-social center and a nursery: in order to discourage car use, was promoted to shopping online and made available to the inhabitants of the park means managed car sharing and car pooling (use of the vehicle by a minimum three people). Available also a small fleet of electric scooters for trips shorter.
In Germany, 3 km from Freiburg (city adopting the pedestrian already in the seventies), since 1998 is developing what could become the setting carfree Europe's largest, with about 6000 inhabitants and 2000 buildings . Bicycle lanes, limited space for cars, buses and light rail efficient: a pattern that started from the bottom to Vauban, or association of citizens "Forum Vauban" who participated in all building projects in the neighborhood. Among the ideas put into practice, the payment of a fee except for those who choose to own a car, with the proceeds for the construction and operation of parking lots. A carfree area in Germany, there also Kronsberg in the district of Hanover, where he used the occasion of Expo 2000 to minimize the need for motorized mobility.
And this list could not miss Sweden. In Malmö, the new residential district of Augustenborg has focused exclusively on pedestrian streets, bicycle paths and public transport. Thus, only 20% of households own a car, still lower than the average of the entire Malmö (35%) and 80% of the roads have a speed limit set at 30 mph, 40% of commuting -work done by bike, the buses are fueled with natural gas or biogas, the tram network is extensive, a car sharing service works very efficiently.
Meanwhile in Italy and Legambiente Aci, in an unusual alliance between environmentalists and motorists, trying to look ahead with a series of proposals for local authorities and the government: an authority to coordinate national planning and land management, a framework law which establishes general criteria for the creation of new districts in the city, another framework rule establishing uniform criteria for the measures of each municipality in terms of limits on the movement of cars, the introduction of tolls for access in urban areas; investments to make more efficient and less polluting public transport premises; payment of road tax in relation to emission levels and size; incentives to car sharing and car pooling. The ball, therefore, goes to the executive, mayors and governors. Meanwhile, the pedestrian will continue their daily struggle of resistance against the siege by the motor.

Source: The Republic

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If I were to summarize Qualunquemente in una parola lo definirei "divertente", a parlando di una commedia direi che è una cosa buona, no?

La trasposizione cinematografica di Cetto La Qualunque si può considerare riuscita. Prodotti del genere devono reggersi quasi per intero sulle spalle del personaggio principale, e il personaggio di Albanese ha abbastanza carte dalla sua per farlo. Certo, specie in questo periodo è impossibile non pensare che sia un' estremizzazione di Silvio Berlusconi, specie la sua passione per il "pilu", ma per quanto provvidenziale possa essere la sua uscita in questo periodo, ricordiamoci che è un personaggio vecchio di anni, quindi la sua personalità non si può dire essere born from wanting to take advantage of the 'wave of political scandals (that if anything happened in the run time).

cafonaggine The uncontrolled Cetto makes the tone of the film rather exaggerated, so much so that sometimes seems to touch the black comedy. To have an 'idea if the movie you'll like it or not, you're just a few sketches on YouTube, the spirit is more or less the same. cazzu cazzu, iu iu!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Genital Herpes Dormat For 30 Years

Four Lions

As for not discussing the comic talents of Zalone, let me say that as a satirist has to be done. To carità, molto divertenti le frecciatine sull' Italia contenute in Che bella giornata , ma credo che sia stata sopravvalutata da certa critica il suo sguardo alla questione terrorismo. Certo, forse non era il primario obiettivo (pur essendo il motore di tutta la trama), ma poi ti ritrovi davanti film come Four Lions e pensi che in Italia film che trattino questi argomenti così senza peli è difficile che ne avremo mai, almeno distribuiti sui grandi canali.

Il fatto sorprendente è che sembra di ritrovarsi davanti ad un altro film di South Park. L' ironia, la satira, la commedia contenuti, persino i personaggi (Barry è Cartman cazzo!) they often think back to what is the format of the series. And they are moments of true enjoyment.

And the best part is that it does not save anyone, and I repeat here a movie like him to dream because of fear of offending the Church, the State, institutions, or simply not offend people if they would do nothing. Highly recommended to anyone, especially to those who take themselves too seriously, so is an attack of bile.

3rd Birthday Announcement Verbiage

gioco di ruolo storico Angel's flight aerei della seconda guerra mondiale

RPG historic Angel's Flight aircraft of World War II
still Feedback from testers. A
Improved management conditions of intemperance, a table helps the Storyteller and Players to assess penalties and stability of Visible Air (best not to further burden on the Narrator).
TWO Grouped special abilities plane into two types: Landing Plane and Stability, more is left a blank line for future developments.
THREE rearranged a few paragraphs, with a better division, explained the effects of 6-6 in sudden maneuvers in case of recovery and stability plane.
FOUR Managed Goals to earth structures, tanks and ships.

reading the manual about: 30 minutes.
Average time for training: 15 minutes.
Preparing records 15 minutes.
Total: 60 minutes.

Report of 14 aerial combat.
Average time per shift Driver: 2 minutes.
Table 1 meter per side: 30 minutes fighting areia 3 vs 3: 15 laps.
table 40 cm per side, 10 minutes fighting 3 vs 3 or air duels single-plane 5 Laps

Gio 'is out until Tuesday for any problems please contact me (TheWinner) or Alex (Alex) here in the comments.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ucla Invites Results Mock Trial

Some movies are born under an unlucky star. No matter how you may bind, if it is decreed that you should fail fail. is happened recently Scott Pilgrim VS The World , it happened in 2009 with The Road .

is certainly not a film for everyone. Although it is basically a story of the father - son, the post apocalyptic (gray, desolate, and very crude) may be a limit for a certain range of more sensitive viewers, but it would be a shame to be deprived of watching a movie very much in the past quietly, when he deserved more than an 'attention.

Needless say, in a movie where you see pretty much just him (and his son), to give much weight in the final vote is the 'interpretation of Viggo Mortensen, who proves to be an actor' s undoubted talent, so that would like to see more often. Of course the merit of 'intensity of vision goes to all the other performers, as the son, outlined in a very delicate, or the wife (Charlize Theron), not to mention the various characters who will alternate in the background, which will create scenes that can really hit.

If c 'is a defect that must necessarily be the final charge, rather than unsubstantiated air (but ultimately this sospensione è in linea con la costante atmosfera di precarietà che accompagna la visione).

Consiglio a tutti di recuperare questa piccola perla, ingiustamente scordata prima ancora di uscire.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Human Resources Generalist Cover Letter

The Road "Terroni" Pino April

Ce ne sono di cose da dire su questo libro, come ce ne sono di cose da dire, che avrebbero dovuto essere dette e che forse non verranno mai dette sul suo argomento, ossia i lati oscuri del Risorgimento italiano e come molte malefatte risalenti all' epoca non siano che i semi della crisi del Mezzogiorno tutt' oggi imperante.

If c 'is something that can not be said in April that it does not know can foster the spirit of revenge south, to put it polished. More down to earth, knows how to make us angry. And this, if it is a merit in that it prompts them to read (although sometimes you risk an attack of bile if it gets involved), from 'is another reflection of the fundamental innocence of' work, which in reality, besides giving a sprinkling of facts, does not do much.

Of course the test is considered a good forerunner to those who were fasting 's argument for a world as dark as important to the history of our country. That the Renaissance was not exactly the glorious expedition Culture National Historic c 'teaching is something that anyone with a bit of culture and' intelligence knows, the most ambiguous and to what extent the true nature of this phenomenon is known. Among looting, massacres, deportations, economic impoverishment in its broadest sense, there 'is for everyone. And the 'author traces the stages through some cardinal questions, such as the massacres perpetuated by Mille (plus various allies) in the course of' work, the destruction of the 'southern economy, etc. ...

Without taking anything away from what I struggle not to believe it was a real crap today unspoken, fear that in April, taken from a genuine enthusiasm (and right) in respect of his beloved native land, has reduced the entire issue to "tyrant of Lombardy, South victim." In particular, little to convince me was the description of a Kingdom of Two Sicilies nothing short of idyllic, that between "enlightened monarch" and booming economy makes it seem absurd that it fell so easily, especially when April does nothing but report what the people be faithful unto death to the kings (?) and how many officers were genes Bourbon strategic victory. Something is wrong. Unfortunately I am not informed enough on 'topic for future study, but suffice it to say that the reconstruction of April seems incomplete and, almost I am embarrassed to write it, as a party.

But the strange thing is that everything seems a little unsubstantiated, while substantially in the summary to be cited many texts along the book (and it seems strange the 'absence of a bibliography at the end, whereas we are facing a real test), given that, in addition to being piss people off, does not seem to offer anything concrete.

April is always there to tease the reader (assuming South) with comments like "I still wonder why southern non s' incazzino", but beyond this does not seem to do much. In fact, I have to admit di aver trovato la lettura noiosa sul lungo andare. Superato l' entusiasmo iniziale, la struttura ripetitiva del racconto di Aprile ha smorzato di molto l' interesse nella lettura, visto e considerando che tutto sommato ritrovarmi all' ennesimo elenco di cattiverie del nord (solo cambiando punto di focalizzazione) aveva un pò scocciato.

Per quanto il quadro generale possa apparire poco entusiasmante, non sconsiglio in toto la lettura. Come ho detto pocanzi, di sicuro il libro può essere un buon modo per svezzarsi all' argomento, anche se alcuni potrebbero trovarlo più utile per rintracciare i molti testi citati, forse meno sferzanti, ma magari più ricchi d' informazioni.