few weeks ago went out the new collection Kaleidoscopic Optical Kiko Look. I've got for now, and this Long Lasting Lip Maker. First of all the new
colorize Long Lasting Base Line Kiko are 7. I got the call from the site number 23 Sea Green.
They cost € 6.90 to 1.64 grams of product.
staining and pigmentation is fantastic, I thought it was more like off color, but first trick to using this Long Lasting I was breathless. The texture is oily, creamy, maybe too much. The length is good but I noticed that is less than the baseline. In fact I had to draw a blue eye shadow as Long Lasting Top Coat to this because, even though the base was already running out of pellets an eye folds.
are satisfied!? Ni, I find it a great product, but rather those of the baseline variability or as lasting as that of the colors (I found it on internet other people who think like me, are not the only one who does not these hosannas of the new collection) nevertheless, the pigmentation and the color sono a dir poco stupendi.
Vi lascio alle foto e agli swatches!

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