Monday, March 14, 2011

Blueprints Of Popcorn Cart


Organic farming has also won the Italian roofs.
Yes, I know you know. There had already said in speaking of "shared gardens," when we referred to the building of street Goito 14 in Turin. There are grown on the roof. While the ground floor of this building is a workshop that explains the curious how you can give to this new form of agriculture.
This is in general conception of organic gardens, first obtained by working the soil surface, and then cultivated without the use of fertilizzanti o pesticidi. Tali orti condivisi non sono solo un’occasione per ottenere verdure buone o passare il tempo libero, bensì anche un vero e proprio punto di incontro per sviluppare cooperazione e socializzazione.
Fin qui, tutto già detto.
Quello che invece c’è di nuovo è il concetto di orti urbani… sui tetti aziendali! (Concetto ad oggi sconosciuto in Italia, ma che speriamo di importare quanto prima, come già fatto con i giardini condivisi.)
Ultimamente, infatti, alcune aziende americane stanno diffondendo la moda dei cosiddetti corporate gardens.
Sui tetti dei palazzi o negli spazi esterni di proprietà dell’azienda i dipendenti possono coltivare frutta e verdura. I dipendenti, that is, they come home with bags full of organic vegetables (when not using the same canteen).
An example? Make it two! (1) In America, employees of Toyota, in addition to their salary, they can enjoy the benefits of a crop of zucchini and tomatoes. (2) Meanwhile, the Pepsi Company has an organic vegetable farm managed in an equitable manner between managers and employees.
short, you can not even send to dig their heads, because then what we really should!
Surveys employees are satisfied with these initiatives, and happy to do exercise, being outdoors and enjoy a space dedicated to gardening during working hours, so that one begins even talking about "green gym": digging, hoeing, weeding, planting ... as a form of eco-fitness!


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