Il futuro dell’apicoltura è un ape nera, meridionale, di origine africana e naturalizzata siciliana, salvata in extremis da Carlo Amodeo, uno dei venticinque selezionatori d'api in Italia.
Questa specie era stata soppiantata negli anni Settanta dalle massicce importazioni di ligusta, carnica e caucasica, le classiche api dorate, ma è stata capace poi di superarle tutte, le sorelline, cadute a milioni sotto i colpi delle epidemie di Varroa e Nosema che negli ultimi dieci anni hanno falcidiato allevamenti su allevamenti.
Le api nere presentano formidabili qualità di resistenza, docilità, originalità nella raccolta (si occupano anche di fioriture che altre api se le sognano, come il nespolo giapponese) e per finire have a production that lasts all year round, even in winter, when the Nordic colleagues rest waiting for spring.
short, the living denial of the cliché of a lazy South.
We hear the same thing we said Charles Amodeo, now an undertaker in Termini Imerese, "In 1985 when I was a student of Agriculture, my teacher, Peter Genduso, told me about this API amazing, docile, very resistant, which have not had any news from the seventies. I found one day near the old airport at Punta Raisi. Survived only three families. I could not believe it. "
After the first recovery experiments from the farms in the Aeolian Islands, choices perché prive di api e abbastanza isolate da evitare ibridazioni, oggi l’ape nera è richiestissima in ogni parte del mondo, dalla Germania, alla Danimarca, fino al Regno Unito, dove Carlo d'Inghilterra l'ha voluta per i suoi apiari.
«Ci è arrivata un'e-mail dal Regno Unito», racconta Carlo Amodeo. «A inviarcela è stato Murray McGregor, apicoltore della Casa Reale. Ha voluto quattrocento pacchi da un chilo e mezzo, ognuno con circa 15mila api. Gliele abbiamo portate in celle refrigerate fino in Trentino, sono venuti a prenderle lì».
L’ultima frontiera è il progetto che punta a ripopolare stabilmente la Sicilia occidentale attraverso un programma finanziato dalla Regione con 400mila euro.
“Mai prima d'ora in Europa si è portata avanti la reintroduzione di una specie autoctona nel territorio”, scrivono gli esperti del progetto. E le collaborazioni arrivano da ogni parte, dell'assessorato all'Agricoltura all'Istituto nazionale di apicoltura, dall'Istituto zooprofilattico di Palermo al corso di laurea in Entomologia agraria di Catania, e ancora dal dipartimento di Ingegneria e Tecnologie agroforestali dell'Ateneo palermitano.
«Avvieremo il reinserimento nella provincia di Palermo», conclude Amodeo, «perché qui le api sono meno ibridate e sarà più facile creare stazioni di fecondazione in piena purezza».
Fonte: www.lastampa.it
Monday, March 14, 2011
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A large study funded by the British Medical Research Council found a strong correlation, second in importance only to smoking, including an IQ below average and a higher rate of cardiovascular disease and total mortality.
The findings, published in the February issue of the European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, were taken from the West of Scotland Twenty-07 Study, a population study to show the influence of social factors on health. The study was based on a sample of 1,145 men and women about 55 years and on data collected over a period of 20 years starting in 1987. The factors considered were height, weight, blood pressure, smoking, activity physical, educational level and employment, the IQ was measured with a test of general cognitive ability.
When the data were applied to a statistical model to quantify the associations of nine risk factors with mortality from cardiovascular events, the results showed that the most important factor was smoking, followed by a low IQ. Comment
the national spokesman of the ESC (European Society of Cardiology): "This study is a very important medical and social. That a low rate of education could be associated with a higher incidence of adverse cardiovascular events has been reported previously by several studies. However, the real novelty of this analysis is that the low IQ appears to remain associated with a higher rate of cardiovascular disease even when the association is "correct" for all other known risk factors. This would suggest for the first time that low IQ may be an independent cardiovascular risk factor, like smoking, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. If this information is confirmed, future cardiovascular prevention interventions should focus not only in correcting the traditional cardiovascular risk profile (eg, blood pressure control, cholesterol reduction and elimination of circulating smoking status) but also to raise awareness of cardiovascular disease in general, emphasizing the consequences and preventive measures. "
Source: ESC
A large study funded by the British Medical Research Council found a strong correlation, second in importance only to smoking, including an IQ below average and a higher rate of cardiovascular disease and total mortality.
The findings, published in the February issue of the European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, were taken from the West of Scotland Twenty-07 Study, a population study to show the influence of social factors on health. The study was based on a sample of 1,145 men and women about 55 years and on data collected over a period of 20 years starting in 1987. The factors considered were height, weight, blood pressure, smoking, activity physical, educational level and employment, the IQ was measured with a test of general cognitive ability.
When the data were applied to a statistical model to quantify the associations of nine risk factors with mortality from cardiovascular events, the results showed that the most important factor was smoking, followed by a low IQ. Comment
the national spokesman of the ESC (European Society of Cardiology): "This study is a very important medical and social. That a low rate of education could be associated with a higher incidence of adverse cardiovascular events has been reported previously by several studies. However, the real novelty of this analysis is that the low IQ appears to remain associated with a higher rate of cardiovascular disease even when the association is "correct" for all other known risk factors. This would suggest for the first time that low IQ may be an independent cardiovascular risk factor, like smoking, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. If this information is confirmed, future cardiovascular prevention interventions should focus not only in correcting the traditional cardiovascular risk profile (eg, blood pressure control, cholesterol reduction and elimination of circulating smoking status) but also to raise awareness of cardiovascular disease in general, emphasizing the consequences and preventive measures. "
Source: ESC
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Organic farming has also won the Italian roofs.
Yes, I know you know. There had already said in speaking of "shared gardens," when we referred to the building of street Goito 14 in Turin. There are grown on the roof. While the ground floor of this building is a workshop that explains the curious how you can give to this new form of agriculture.
This is in general conception of organic gardens, first obtained by working the soil surface, and then cultivated without the use of fertilizzanti o pesticidi. Tali orti condivisi non sono solo un’occasione per ottenere verdure buone o passare il tempo libero, bensì anche un vero e proprio punto di incontro per sviluppare cooperazione e socializzazione.
Fin qui, tutto già detto.
Quello che invece c’è di nuovo è il concetto di orti urbani… sui tetti aziendali! (Concetto ad oggi sconosciuto in Italia, ma che speriamo di importare quanto prima, come già fatto con i giardini condivisi.)
Ultimamente, infatti, alcune aziende americane stanno diffondendo la moda dei cosiddetti corporate gardens.
Sui tetti dei palazzi o negli spazi esterni di proprietà dell’azienda i dipendenti possono coltivare frutta e verdura. I dipendenti, that is, they come home with bags full of organic vegetables (when not using the same canteen).
An example? Make it two! (1) In America, employees of Toyota, in addition to their salary, they can enjoy the benefits of a crop of zucchini and tomatoes. (2) Meanwhile, the Pepsi Company has an organic vegetable farm managed in an equitable manner between managers and employees.
short, you can not even send to dig their heads, because then what we really should!
Surveys employees are satisfied with these initiatives, and happy to do exercise, being outdoors and enjoy a space dedicated to gardening during working hours, so that one begins even talking about "green gym": digging, hoeing, weeding, planting ... as a form of eco-fitness!
Organic farming has also won the Italian roofs.
Yes, I know you know. There had already said in speaking of "shared gardens," when we referred to the building of street Goito 14 in Turin. There are grown on the roof. While the ground floor of this building is a workshop that explains the curious how you can give to this new form of agriculture.
This is in general conception of organic gardens, first obtained by working the soil surface, and then cultivated without the use of fertilizzanti o pesticidi. Tali orti condivisi non sono solo un’occasione per ottenere verdure buone o passare il tempo libero, bensì anche un vero e proprio punto di incontro per sviluppare cooperazione e socializzazione.
Fin qui, tutto già detto.
Quello che invece c’è di nuovo è il concetto di orti urbani… sui tetti aziendali! (Concetto ad oggi sconosciuto in Italia, ma che speriamo di importare quanto prima, come già fatto con i giardini condivisi.)
Ultimamente, infatti, alcune aziende americane stanno diffondendo la moda dei cosiddetti corporate gardens.
Sui tetti dei palazzi o negli spazi esterni di proprietà dell’azienda i dipendenti possono coltivare frutta e verdura. I dipendenti, that is, they come home with bags full of organic vegetables (when not using the same canteen).
An example? Make it two! (1) In America, employees of Toyota, in addition to their salary, they can enjoy the benefits of a crop of zucchini and tomatoes. (2) Meanwhile, the Pepsi Company has an organic vegetable farm managed in an equitable manner between managers and employees.
short, you can not even send to dig their heads, because then what we really should!
Surveys employees are satisfied with these initiatives, and happy to do exercise, being outdoors and enjoy a space dedicated to gardening during working hours, so that one begins even talking about "green gym": digging, hoeing, weeding, planting ... as a form of eco-fitness!
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Faith extends life. Believers are convinced without any confirmation. Until yesterday, however, the scientific community had expressed an ambivalent attitude, between openness and skepticism. To reverse the situation reaches an important study, carried out by the Institute of Clinical Physiology of CNR in Pisa, which shows the relationship between religious faith and survival in a group of 179 patients who underwent a liver transplant .
According to the study recently published in the journal Transplantation Lover, patients che, rispondendo a un questionario dichiaravano di aver vissuto in concomitanza con la malattia un profondo ritorno alla religione e alla spiritualità, hanno registrato un rischio di morte tre volte inferiore rispetto a quanti affermavano di non avere un sentimento di religiosità attiva: «Tra questi ultimi si è registrata una mortalità del 20,5 per cento, mentre nei pazienti sorretti dalla fede in una potenza superiore la mortalità è scesa al 6,6 per cento», dice Franco Bonaguidi, psicologo presso l'Ifc-Cnr di Pisa.
«È come se la scienza fosse vittima di un’amnesia collettiva, quasi una diffidenza invincibile, su questi temi, legata forse al fatto che negli ultimi secoli religione e pratica medica hanno followed separate paths, "says Bonaguidi. "To me this seems particularly important for this study were born within an operational high-tech, but where we rediscover the value of the psychological experience of patients."
There is no denying that the attitude towards the divine is an important aspect of our personality and it is not difficult to imagine that it can also affect our relationship with the disease: "I'm not saying that we can treat patients with the prayer" , said Bonaguidi, "but that the attitude towards spirituality can affect a person's health."
Source: Life & Salute
Faith extends life. Believers are convinced without any confirmation. Until yesterday, however, the scientific community had expressed an ambivalent attitude, between openness and skepticism. To reverse the situation reaches an important study, carried out by the Institute of Clinical Physiology of CNR in Pisa, which shows the relationship between religious faith and survival in a group of 179 patients who underwent a liver transplant .
According to the study recently published in the journal Transplantation Lover, patients che, rispondendo a un questionario dichiaravano di aver vissuto in concomitanza con la malattia un profondo ritorno alla religione e alla spiritualità, hanno registrato un rischio di morte tre volte inferiore rispetto a quanti affermavano di non avere un sentimento di religiosità attiva: «Tra questi ultimi si è registrata una mortalità del 20,5 per cento, mentre nei pazienti sorretti dalla fede in una potenza superiore la mortalità è scesa al 6,6 per cento», dice Franco Bonaguidi, psicologo presso l'Ifc-Cnr di Pisa.
«È come se la scienza fosse vittima di un’amnesia collettiva, quasi una diffidenza invincibile, su questi temi, legata forse al fatto che negli ultimi secoli religione e pratica medica hanno followed separate paths, "says Bonaguidi. "To me this seems particularly important for this study were born within an operational high-tech, but where we rediscover the value of the psychological experience of patients."
There is no denying that the attitude towards the divine is an important aspect of our personality and it is not difficult to imagine that it can also affect our relationship with the disease: "I'm not saying that we can treat patients with the prayer" , said Bonaguidi, "but that the attitude towards spirituality can affect a person's health."
Source: Life & Salute
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Essere un coito
my sleep I can not bear covered by your distant moans,
the arms of your man;
I can not sleep on the shadow of your body beaten and assaulted.
I would save your body from the heavy, incessant and oppressive coital rhythm.
I want to be a coitus.
I want to be a coitus.
not want to be part of a vision ...
I want to be a
coitus coitus without losing thoughts
alienate movements
dissolve in the wave of an orgasm.
the arms of your man;
I can not sleep on the shadow of your body beaten and assaulted.
I would save your body from the heavy, incessant and oppressive coital rhythm.
I want to be a coitus.
I want to be a coitus.
not want to be part of a vision ...
I want to be a
coitus coitus without losing thoughts
alienate movements
dissolve in the wave of an orgasm.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
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Review Eyeshadow Essence
Sorry for the absence of girls, but I had some commitments. And since today I'm home sick with a cold obscene and lips swollen like two double canoes, I decided to write some posts for the blog. These 3
Eyeshadow Essence I took them to some € 0.99 last week at the stand of OVS Iper Grandate.
are 2.5 grams of product for 24 months of expiry.
1. The first color I chose was a Soul Mate and then a metallic Metallic Effect with particular reflections. The color is light brown, almost bronze.
2. The second color was pretty funky and is instead a Sparkling Effect that does not mean a glittery effect, style Yersey Girls (I only look at the E! ?), But a brilliant and illuminating effect. The color is dark brown with a touch of gold.
3. The last color was that Hot Spott is a Shimmer Effect therefore a brightening effect, but not glittery. The color is a yellow light.
I was really satisfied with these products, have excellent pigmentation (remember that these effects I have described is always a good Matt Effect of pigmentation on the contrary that have a lower pigmentation). Have a good life with a good primer underneath (I am continuing to use the Eye Primer Zoeva, I love it!) And a good draft. Li
advice! Absolutely, even the full price of 1.99 € remain eyeshadows effective and cheap. They have, as I have said and as you will see from the swatches good pigmentation and a good life.
Sorry for the absence of girls, but I had some commitments. And since today I'm home sick with a cold obscene and lips swollen like two double canoes, I decided to write some posts for the blog. These 3
Eyeshadow Essence I took them to some € 0.99 last week at the stand of OVS Iper Grandate.
are 2.5 grams of product for 24 months of expiry.
1. The first color I chose was a Soul Mate and then a metallic Metallic Effect with particular reflections. The color is light brown, almost bronze.
2. The second color was pretty funky and is instead a Sparkling Effect that does not mean a glittery effect, style Yersey Girls (I only look at the E! ?), But a brilliant and illuminating effect. The color is dark brown with a touch of gold.
3. The last color was that Hot Spott is a Shimmer Effect therefore a brightening effect, but not glittery. The color is a yellow light.
I was really satisfied with these products, have excellent pigmentation (remember that these effects I have described is always a good Matt Effect of pigmentation on the contrary that have a lower pigmentation). Have a good life with a good primer underneath (I am continuing to use the Eye Primer Zoeva, I love it!) And a good draft. Li
advice! Absolutely, even the full price of 1.99 € remain eyeshadows effective and cheap. They have, as I have said and as you will see from the swatches good pigmentation and a good life.

Friday, March 11, 2011
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GDRPlayer and Vas Quas Publishing
GDRPlayer and Vas Quas Publishing
Concluded the splendid initiative created by friends of GDRPlayers, the site gave to those who had reviewed our game: Street Soccer Fight a PDF copy of the manual.
To reward initiative, we have decided to send the winner Vale30 the printed manual and the other contenders a PDF version of the manual.
More info about the initiative and GDRPlayers
GDRPlayer and Vas Quas Publishing
Concluded the splendid initiative created by friends of GDRPlayers, the site gave to those who had reviewed our game: Street Soccer Fight a PDF copy of the manual.
To reward initiative, we have decided to send the winner Vale30 the printed manual and the other contenders a PDF version of the manual.
More info about the initiative and GDRPlayers
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War Games and Vas Quas
War Games and Vas Quas Publishing
Upcoming projects Vas Quas Publishing sono tutti inerenti i giochi di guerra, il fondatore del nostro gruppo è un appassionato del secondo conflitto mondiale, in particolare degli scontri aerei.
Ecco perché il gruppo ha intrapreso l'idea di sfruttare il KH del nostro fondatore per creare il gioco Angel's Flight.
Angel's Flight si pone di entrare nel mercato come simulatore degli scontri aerei della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, mon come gioco di guerra dalle caratteristiche Smart. Il Pilota dovrà gestire le caratteristiche del proprio Aereo al massimo per vincere un Duello o portare a termine una missione.
Siamo sicuri che molti appassionati della Seconda Guerra Mondiale apprezzeranno lo sforzo del gruppo nel ricreare gli scontri e far capire quale forza Drivers must have the courage and and are confident that is nothing compared to the actual experience of a pilot. The player's challenge will be dealing with other drivers, to destroy targets on the ground or be able to launch a torpedo to sink a battleship or aircraft carrier! All this trying to bring home the life and become an ace of the skies!
We decided to create original illustrations for aircraft and fighting, without relying on historical photographs of public domain, because we want to escape from the disturbing reality of those times, there were people on those planes and lives.
The graphics are edited by: Marco Lombardi, the results of which have only a glimpse in the pages of the Forum are exceptional.
The second project is always inherent in the war games and Robot Commander's Titanium Era, in an imaginary journey into the future, that's what we always thought of the new machines battle.
In this game of war play the pilot of a mech, a machine designed to work in nuclear power plants, end up being half of mass destruction for a crowd after the Cold War Third World War.
We have created a possible future, where the environment, energy, become the key global economic and are the main cause of the clashes.
Would it not be fighting wars around a game table?
"Humanity deve porre fine alla guerra, o la guerra porrà fine all’umanità.”
(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)
War Games and Vas Quas Publishing
Upcoming projects Vas Quas Publishing sono tutti inerenti i giochi di guerra, il fondatore del nostro gruppo è un appassionato del secondo conflitto mondiale, in particolare degli scontri aerei.
Ecco perché il gruppo ha intrapreso l'idea di sfruttare il KH del nostro fondatore per creare il gioco Angel's Flight.
Angel's Flight si pone di entrare nel mercato come simulatore degli scontri aerei della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, mon come gioco di guerra dalle caratteristiche Smart. Il Pilota dovrà gestire le caratteristiche del proprio Aereo al massimo per vincere un Duello o portare a termine una missione.
Siamo sicuri che molti appassionati della Seconda Guerra Mondiale apprezzeranno lo sforzo del gruppo nel ricreare gli scontri e far capire quale forza Drivers must have the courage and and are confident that is nothing compared to the actual experience of a pilot. The player's challenge will be dealing with other drivers, to destroy targets on the ground or be able to launch a torpedo to sink a battleship or aircraft carrier! All this trying to bring home the life and become an ace of the skies!
We decided to create original illustrations for aircraft and fighting, without relying on historical photographs of public domain, because we want to escape from the disturbing reality of those times, there were people on those planes and lives.
The graphics are edited by: Marco Lombardi, the results of which have only a glimpse in the pages of the Forum are exceptional.
The second project is always inherent in the war games and Robot Commander's Titanium Era, in an imaginary journey into the future, that's what we always thought of the new machines battle.
In this game of war play the pilot of a mech, a machine designed to work in nuclear power plants, end up being half of mass destruction for a crowd after the Cold War Third World War.
We have created a possible future, where the environment, energy, become the key global economic and are the main cause of the clashes.
Would it not be fighting wars around a game table?
"Humanity deve porre fine alla guerra, o la guerra porrà fine all’umanità.”
(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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Review Eyeshadow Palette Sun Club Essence
Four other purchases of the Essence to 0.99 €, it was these four palette that I loved from the beginning. Think
promising results for the summer light, shading, suitable for summer. The wafers are 4 more eyelight for a small strip of light under the brow and inner eye.
The colors I picked were: California Dream
01 consists of a bronze, a gold, a purple-blue and burgundy dark.
05 Long Island Breeze consists of a one bronze, a golden-brown and dark blue blue.
04 Ball Fever consists of two golden light, a green with golden hues and a medium brown (not too dark or too bright). 02
Fiji Feeling that consists of a light pink, a pink, a dark bronze and another dark brown.
course for each of the four blade I have not counted the strip eyelight, since the colors are quite similar for the four blades, oriented on white or almost white glittery beige.
The colors do not think Matt, still have all of the reflexes or paiuzze microscopic details that give a shimmer and illuminating results, suitable to the reflections of the sun.
Normalmente costerebbero 3,99€ e sono 6 g di prodotto con una scadenza di 18 mesi (mi pare).
Sono un pochetto farinosi come ombretti, ma questo gli conferisce comunque una buona pigmentazione, sopratutto i colori più scuri. La durata è ottima, le adoro sinceramente. Non nutrivo grandi speranze siccome ho provato poco questa linea (Sun Club) e pensavo fossero tutte un pò simili tra loro, un pò lo sono ecco, però i colori,alcuni, sono completamente differenti, quindi vale la pena prenderle tutte.
Le consiglio!? Si, assolutamente.Contate che ora pagate 4,00€ per quattro palette! Buona pigmentazione, un pò farinosi, buona sfumabilità e buona durata.
Four other purchases of the Essence to 0.99 €, it was these four palette that I loved from the beginning. Think
promising results for the summer light, shading, suitable for summer. The wafers are 4 more eyelight for a small strip of light under the brow and inner eye.
The colors I picked were: California Dream
01 consists of a bronze, a gold, a purple-blue and burgundy dark.
05 Long Island Breeze consists of a one bronze, a golden-brown and dark blue blue.
04 Ball Fever consists of two golden light, a green with golden hues and a medium brown (not too dark or too bright). 02
Fiji Feeling that consists of a light pink, a pink, a dark bronze and another dark brown.
course for each of the four blade I have not counted the strip eyelight, since the colors are quite similar for the four blades, oriented on white or almost white glittery beige.
The colors do not think Matt, still have all of the reflexes or paiuzze microscopic details that give a shimmer and illuminating results, suitable to the reflections of the sun.
Normalmente costerebbero 3,99€ e sono 6 g di prodotto con una scadenza di 18 mesi (mi pare).
Sono un pochetto farinosi come ombretti, ma questo gli conferisce comunque una buona pigmentazione, sopratutto i colori più scuri. La durata è ottima, le adoro sinceramente. Non nutrivo grandi speranze siccome ho provato poco questa linea (Sun Club) e pensavo fossero tutte un pò simili tra loro, un pò lo sono ecco, però i colori,alcuni, sono completamente differenti, quindi vale la pena prenderle tutte.
Le consiglio!? Si, assolutamente.Contate che ora pagate 4,00€ per quattro palette! Buona pigmentazione, un pò farinosi, buona sfumabilità e buona durata.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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Review Pure Teint Cover Stick PureSkin Essence
Another purchase cost, on sale, € 0.99 from Essence was this correction, the line PureSkin, anti spot (therefore anti imperfections).
Normally I think costs about € 2-3 and I got the Sand color 02 but only because it was the only one left, however, normally there are only two colors. Essence
describes it as "Pure teint concealer mean the end of imperfections: totally discreet but effective long held at bay pimples! Available in two colors. "
First of all I must say that I love to stick in the correction since they are easy to apply with precision and speed, are usually based on very fat, or at least I saw them on my skin, almost all with a thinner than normal fat and oily. The coverage of the stick is usually good. The only flaw is that it is difficult to find a perfect color.
Let's talk about spelling anyway. I was not very impressed, first of all the little variety of colors which I think is a problem, how can we expect these two colors meet the poor billions of colors and shades of skin are there?!
The duration is in normal, I always suggest to set the concealer with a bit of powder. The pigmentation is sufficient, nothing earth-shattering. I can not find anyway you can put like the Layla cover stick that I love.
are 5 g of product with a maturity of 12 months. Li
advice! Mmm, no. You may very well avoid purchasing it. The pigmentation and duration are average, but the lack of variation of colors is a bad choice, in my opinion.
Another purchase cost, on sale, € 0.99 from Essence was this correction, the line PureSkin, anti spot (therefore anti imperfections).
Normally I think costs about € 2-3 and I got the Sand color 02 but only because it was the only one left, however, normally there are only two colors. Essence
describes it as "Pure teint concealer mean the end of imperfections: totally discreet but effective long held at bay pimples! Available in two colors. "
First of all I must say that I love to stick in the correction since they are easy to apply with precision and speed, are usually based on very fat, or at least I saw them on my skin, almost all with a thinner than normal fat and oily. The coverage of the stick is usually good. The only flaw is that it is difficult to find a perfect color.
Let's talk about spelling anyway. I was not very impressed, first of all the little variety of colors which I think is a problem, how can we expect these two colors meet the poor billions of colors and shades of skin are there?!
The duration is in normal, I always suggest to set the concealer with a bit of powder. The pigmentation is sufficient, nothing earth-shattering. I can not find anyway you can put like the Layla cover stick that I love.
are 5 g of product with a maturity of 12 months. Li
advice! Mmm, no. You may very well avoid purchasing it. The pigmentation and duration are average, but the lack of variation of colors is a bad choice, in my opinion.

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Review Mono Hi-Tech Deborah
When I saw this trio a couple of weeks ago with the snobbai enough alone and leave it there all alone on the counter of my usual (and foreign popular), stall.
Last week I was persuaded and I bought it. Since that day I stop loving him even though I only used a few tricks. I love it, has an excellent writing effect, it can be used wet or dry, fine shading and excellent durability.
The only flaw is that the three colors are attacked and not divided as in a palette, and then just to make only one color needs to be done a little more attention. The number of blades that I bought is 35 with a maturity of 18 months. I've paid € 3.00 in the shops and I think the price is orientated on 5-7 €.
The eyeshadows are not at all dusty and the colors have a scale color from a dark blue, dark blue and light blue are shimmer without glitter. Li
advice!? Yes, absolutely. I'm really not very good eye shadow and Deborah had never impressed me.
When I saw this trio a couple of weeks ago with the snobbai enough alone and leave it there all alone on the counter of my usual (and foreign popular), stall.
Last week I was persuaded and I bought it. Since that day I stop loving him even though I only used a few tricks. I love it, has an excellent writing effect, it can be used wet or dry, fine shading and excellent durability.
The only flaw is that the three colors are attacked and not divided as in a palette, and then just to make only one color needs to be done a little more attention. The number of blades that I bought is 35 with a maturity of 18 months. I've paid € 3.00 in the shops and I think the price is orientated on 5-7 €.
The eyeshadows are not at all dusty and the colors have a scale color from a dark blue, dark blue and light blue are shimmer without glitter. Li
advice!? Yes, absolutely. I'm really not very good eye shadow and Deborah had never impressed me.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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Publishing RPG Vas Quas Publishing
gioco di ruolo Vas Quas Editrice Cosa bolle in Pentola?
Se credete che noi dello Staff di Vas Quas ci stiamo fermando, vi state sbagliando, stiamo andando avanti a passo spedito in Angel's Flight e Robot Commander! Spero presto di annunciare l'anteprima di Angel's Flight come facemmo per Street Fight Soccer e poi quella di Robot Commander.
Vi assicuro che ne vedrete delle belle.
Vas Quas Staff

gioco di ruolo Vas Quas Editrice Cosa bolle in Pentola?
Se credete che noi dello Staff di Vas Quas ci stiamo fermando, vi state sbagliando, stiamo andando avanti a passo spedito in Angel's Flight e Robot Commander! Spero presto di annunciare l'anteprima di Angel's Flight come facemmo per Street Fight Soccer e poi quella di Robot Commander.
Vi assicuro che ne vedrete delle belle.
Vas Quas Staff
W Gawantka Porclean Cats
Review Carbon Black Liquid Eyeliner BlackMania Essence
First of all greetings to tutteeeeeeee! =)
said that today I want to talk about this eyeliner that I was slightly disappointed.
First of all the brush is so hard to allow a clear focus and in any case, I think, is more comfortable than a brush unit.
Black dell'eyeliner is intense, fairly liquid and relatively easy to dry.
Mi pare di averlo pagato 1,99€ un pò di tempo fa ma sinceramente avrei preferito prendere il mascara BlackMania.
Purtroppo non ho potuto farvi una foto dello swatches perchè mi si era bloccata la fotocamera ma detto questo passo ai difetti.
Inanzitutto all'interno dell'occhio dà irritazione e questa cosa mi da fastidio perchè moltissimo eyeliner non lo fanno. Ma non intendo "interno dell'occhio" con la rima inferiore, intendo l'angolino del condotto lacrimale e quei due millimentri di pelle verso l'angolo esterno. Mi ha dato parecchia irritazione ed il tratto si è rovinato, non essendo waterproof, finendo per farmi sembrare un dalmata.
Quindi questa cosa mi ha un pò deluso, okkei all'interno degli eyes it is better not to put it, however, should resist nell'angolino externally, but no, I still caused irritation. The Board
!? Ni, good pigmentation, good linear and precise stroke, poor resistance.
First of all greetings to tutteeeeeeee! =)
said that today I want to talk about this eyeliner that I was slightly disappointed.
First of all the brush is so hard to allow a clear focus and in any case, I think, is more comfortable than a brush unit.
Black dell'eyeliner is intense, fairly liquid and relatively easy to dry.
Mi pare di averlo pagato 1,99€ un pò di tempo fa ma sinceramente avrei preferito prendere il mascara BlackMania.
Purtroppo non ho potuto farvi una foto dello swatches perchè mi si era bloccata la fotocamera ma detto questo passo ai difetti.
Inanzitutto all'interno dell'occhio dà irritazione e questa cosa mi da fastidio perchè moltissimo eyeliner non lo fanno. Ma non intendo "interno dell'occhio" con la rima inferiore, intendo l'angolino del condotto lacrimale e quei due millimentri di pelle verso l'angolo esterno. Mi ha dato parecchia irritazione ed il tratto si è rovinato, non essendo waterproof, finendo per farmi sembrare un dalmata.
Quindi questa cosa mi ha un pò deluso, okkei all'interno degli eyes it is better not to put it, however, should resist nell'angolino externally, but no, I still caused irritation. The Board
!? Ni, good pigmentation, good linear and precise stroke, poor resistance.

Monday, March 7, 2011
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Street Fight Soccer require PDF free after buying the paper
Street Fight Soccer richiedere il PDF gratuito dopo aver acquistato il cartaceo
Stiamo ricevendo moltissime richieste (Grazie), ragazzi vi chiediamo di verificare un'area nella copertina (posteriore) nell'area in bianco che trovate qui nella copertina (DIMOSTRAZIONE ACQUISTO).
Attenzione ci serve come ultima verifica prima di inviarvi il manuale, siamo costretti a fare queste verifiche, perché purtroppo ci sono più richieste di manuali in formato PDF, rispetto le copie vendute! Se non avessimo già avuto esperienze con Lulu.com non potevamo adottare tutti questi accorgimenti.
Street Fight Soccer richiedere il PDF gratuito dopo aver acquistato il cartaceo
Stiamo ricevendo moltissime richieste (Grazie), ragazzi vi chiediamo di verificare un'area nella copertina (posteriore) nell'area in bianco che trovate qui nella copertina (DIMOSTRAZIONE ACQUISTO).
Attenzione ci serve come ultima verifica prima di inviarvi il manuale, siamo costretti a fare queste verifiche, perché purtroppo ci sono più richieste di manuali in formato PDF, rispetto le copie vendute! Se non avessimo già avuto esperienze con Lulu.com non potevamo adottare tutti questi accorgimenti.
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Review Mineral Compact Powder Essence
Other product found on sale for € 0.99 in the hypericum Grandate stand. Only staining of this type of powder is in balance ie the number 06 Matt Cashmere. There are 12 grams of product for a term of 24 months. It has a Matt finish completely and is just a compact powder. Let's say I
I have resentment towards the unpleasant face powder compact because it I've tried many but none I had ever really met many times and I finished in a powder for them to best use.
Suitable for all skin types, except the dark ones, however, because I saw that the color of Essence stop almost always clear tones and yellow undertones.
will still get to the actual review. I was very satisfied by the pigmentation and duration. My base face with this powder and that of Mac remains intact for several hours. The
advice! Absolutely, I adore, and I'm going to buy another package to spare.
Other product found on sale for € 0.99 in the hypericum Grandate stand. Only staining of this type of powder is in balance ie the number 06 Matt Cashmere. There are 12 grams of product for a term of 24 months. It has a Matt finish completely and is just a compact powder. Let's say I
I have resentment towards the unpleasant face powder compact because it I've tried many but none I had ever really met many times and I finished in a powder for them to best use.
Suitable for all skin types, except the dark ones, however, because I saw that the color of Essence stop almost always clear tones and yellow undertones.
will still get to the actual review. I was very satisfied by the pigmentation and duration. My base face with this powder and that of Mac remains intact for several hours. The
advice! Absolutely, I adore, and I'm going to buy another package to spare.

How Long Does It Take To Ship To Thailand
Review Colour & Shine Eyeshadow Essence
ragazzuole Hello, now I'm home from school and take this opportunity to do some reviews of the latest products bought at Essence balances. As I remember
Essence, as an assortment redo the end of March or early April, has put on sale some products that will disappear.
I bought pretty much everything except the nail products which I have too many.
We start however with the review. I bought the first time I went to stand Essence (in this case, the Hyper Grandate) these three eyeshadow Colour & Shine initially cost around € 3 and were on sale for just € 0.99.
The colors I picked were: 06
Bling Bling = A pearl white, very enlightening. 04
Simply Me = A blue sky beautiful summer, I love it.
05 Pretty Rockin '= A black with silver paiuzze.
Pigmentation? Excellent, I must say that I had my hopes for these shadows, as very few wafers cooked pearl finish this can give an excellent and intense pigmentation. Instead I really think again ricreduta.E you also looking at the pictures of the swatches. The duration
!? Good, of course with an eye primer under make better. The consistency
!? I'm not too dusty, and are easy to blend.
Council, especially the 06, to apply under the brow as eyelight or however the eye near the tear duct, being the point darker eye.
not recommend an eye shadow to finish this, and pearl and diamond, to mature over the 45.50 years, as you would add to the "old". (And a board of course). Li
advice? Yes, indeed. I love them, excellent pigmentation, pearl finish, good durability and excellent shading.
ragazzuole Hello, now I'm home from school and take this opportunity to do some reviews of the latest products bought at Essence balances. As I remember
Essence, as an assortment redo the end of March or early April, has put on sale some products that will disappear.
I bought pretty much everything except the nail products which I have too many.
We start however with the review. I bought the first time I went to stand Essence (in this case, the Hyper Grandate) these three eyeshadow Colour & Shine initially cost around € 3 and were on sale for just € 0.99.
The colors I picked were: 06
Bling Bling = A pearl white, very enlightening. 04
Simply Me = A blue sky beautiful summer, I love it.
05 Pretty Rockin '= A black with silver paiuzze.
Pigmentation? Excellent, I must say that I had my hopes for these shadows, as very few wafers cooked pearl finish this can give an excellent and intense pigmentation. Instead I really think again ricreduta.E you also looking at the pictures of the swatches. The duration
!? Good, of course with an eye primer under make better. The consistency
!? I'm not too dusty, and are easy to blend.
Council, especially the 06, to apply under the brow as eyelight or however the eye near the tear duct, being the point darker eye.
not recommend an eye shadow to finish this, and pearl and diamond, to mature over the 45.50 years, as you would add to the "old". (And a board of course). Li
advice? Yes, indeed. I love them, excellent pigmentation, pearl finish, good durability and excellent shading.

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