bins, refuse containers, cans, glass bottles or plastic that are transformed into musical instruments in a festive concert and improvised, this is what happened 20 to 28 November 2010 NoTrashMob. The symbolic action, to which anyone could take part, has launched the European Week for Waste Reduction, an event involving 22 EU nations, as well as Brazil and the Republic Dominican.
An environmental communications project created to raise awareness among European citizens on the strategies and policies for waste reduction adopted by the European Union, as the figure for the average of the garbage produced in a year by a European citizen is abnormal, they speak of about half a ton, or to be more clear, 500 kg of waste per person. A huge amount that has clear negative implications on the environment and could be reduced dramatically with just a few steps every day, as do the choice of packaging products with "poor" or contain rechargeable.
Five areas where government, schools, private companies and associations - so-called "project developer” che hanno aderito all’iniziativa - hanno agito per aumentare la consapevolezza dei cittadini sul problema della spazzatura, strettamente connesso anche alle tematiche dello sviluppo sostenibile e della lotta ai cambiamenti climatici: troppi rifiuti, produzione eco-compatibile, consumi attenti e responsabili, vita piĆ¹ lunga dei prodotti, meno rifiuti gettati via.
Tanti gli eventi che hanno animato gratuitamente l’Italia nella settimana dal 20 al 28 novembre: congressi, laboratori didattici ed artistici, distribuzione gratuita di sacchetti di stoffa per sostituire quelli - fortemente inquinanti - di plastica, corsi di compostaggio, mostre, concorsi, concerti.
La Settimana Europea per la riduzione dei rifiuti was revived this year after success in 2009 when the first edition has registered nearly 3,000 shares in all countries and that also saw the excellence of the Italian presence, second only to France: well 420 were projects submitted by our bodies.
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