UN "CUORE DI MAGLIA" PER SCALDARE I CORPICINI DEI BIBMI PREMATURI "It all started around the table in a bar," says Laura Nani Bertetti, mother and manager whose career spans nearly twenty years experience in the marketing world. "We were just five friends who meet together one afternoon a month to knit, as happens in the American tradition of
knit cafe." So much for the myth that working the grill is only a matter of grandmothers, Laura and Her friends were busy knitting clothes and scarves for friends and relatives, but at some point they realized they could do something more.
"We thought to premature babies," says the manager, "for which there are no lines on the market of clothes, a friend has created advertising a logo for us and a blog, so with the collaboration of Christian Brenna, an engineer from Turin known during a
knit cafe, we have created the association Heart of the mesh. "
Founded just two years ago in Alexandria, thanks to tam-tam on the web today, the association has groups in Milan and Turin, and a hundred other volunteers armed with rods and balls, ready to get down to work throughout Italy to warm the tiny bodies of premature babies. "The first deliveries we have entrusted to the neonatal intensive care pediatric hospital in Alexandria," says Laura. But soon the eye of the association has grown to a much broader range of needs. "We started a dedicarci anche ad altri bambini», prosegue Bertetti: «neonati abbandonati alla nascita, ricoverati per malattia, in dialisi, malati oncologici, oppure ragazzi che vivono in casa famiglia o che soffrono di patologie come l'anoressia, o ancora chi ha dovuto affrontare tragedie come quella del terremoto abruzzese. Abbiamo anche allargato la nostra produzione a creazioni più ludiche, come collane, zainetti, porta cellulari e marionette per le dita.»
Lo scorso giugno si sono ritrovate in un agriturismo di Murisengo, sulle colline del Monferrato, per il primo Cuore di maglia Camp. Un'occasione in cui Laura, Cristiana e le compagne di ferri hanno discusso delle attività dell'associazione e, manco a dirlo, si sono messe al lavoro. "We were about fifty Assatanate! In two days we produced a lot of material, for use in Bethlehem, Palestine: 53 kits consisting of blankets and hats for children under one year old, the facts get in secret thanks to a sister of Milan. "Until mid-October did not they know if the "delivery illegal" had occurred: "We have stuffed into suitcases of a group of pilgrims in the Holy Land because arrived at Caritas Baby Hospital, a children's hospital that does not make ethnic distinctions," says Cristiana Brenna. "It 's always hard to send aid to Israel, but on October 14 we received the photos from Bethlehem: mission accomplished."
year associates were self-assessed 10 euro to meet the needs of the association that, among other things, has published two books with patterns to create hats and blankets. Basic materials to be used: milk fiber, micro fiber and Merino wool, acrylic banned. So far, the tools of the volunteers have produced 500 covered delivered in the neonatal intensive care unit of Turin, Cuneo, Pavia, Milan (Sacco Hospital, where there is a higher dropout rate in Italy), Naples, Bologna and other cities .